Live in the Bay Area or close enough to the bay area? Want to Volunteer or take your family on a Diabetes Type Retriet?

Then (Diabetic Youth Foundation) is the site for you!!!
First off: Oct. 26th-28th, remember this date. The DYF holds a camp for families with children with diabetes. Families, it may or may not be too late to sign up but you can try. This camp is in Livermore, Ca

Secondly: Volunteers are needed for that weekend! If you have diabetes or you don’t and you are 18+, you maybe qualified to work this weekend! Find out who to contact on the website! Sorry this is not a discussion but an awesome life experience!

Wish I knew about it when I lived in CA. I would have loved to do that.

I don’t live in CA, but FL- when my son was young, we use to do activities like this all the time with the Juv. Diabetes Associtation. It is a great experience and it’s so good for the kids to be around other children going through the same thing they are!