Looking for a support group near me!

Hi my name is Jennifer and my daughter whom is 8 yrs old has diabetes. I am really in need of meeting others near me with children whom have this also. Thanks so much!

Check out our group for New England
. You might find people that lives nearby you. There is a meet up in Boston scheduled for this summer. For details, click here.

Also, JDRF sometimes organizes programs. Click here for the New England site.

You can also ask your endo if they know of support groups nearby. Often people give flyers to the doctors office or sometimes the doctors even organize support groups.

Also, for online support, we have a group for parents of kids with type 1.

Hope this helps! Know that you are not alone!

Here’s a support group that I found on the JDRF website:
Ongoing Support Group:
Where: South Shore Hospital in Weymouth, MA
When: 3rd Thursday of every month
Time: 5:30 PM -7:30 PM
For more information, contact Lorri Lang at Lang1020@aol.com.

Here are some JDRF Networking events near you.

thank you so much!!!