Losing Weight with LADA

So I am 26 years old and was diagnosed last year with with Type 2 diabetes. After getting a C-peptide test and GAD my diagnosis was changed to LADA or type 1. I have not been put on medication because I have been able to control my BG with lifestyle changes. However I have gone from weighing 155lbs to around 127lbs in the last year with not attempt on my part to lose weight. My doctors are hesitant to put me on medication due to my good BG levels. Has this been a problem for any??? If so do you have any suggestions on getting my weight back without skyrocketing my BG

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Good BG levels are a good thing obviously but steadily shedding pounds [quote=“Christopher7, post:1, topic:55830”]
with no attempt on my part to lose weight

sounds risky to me. First question: are you testing your ketones? Because BG notwithstanding, if you’re losing weight because your body doesn’t have enough insulin and is burning body-mass for energy, that sounds discomfortingly close to the definition of what leads from untreated T1D to DKA. At best it mirrors the old pre-insulin “treatment” that, for want of a better option, basically just starved people to keep their BG down. What is the objection to going on insulin? It’s not the end of life as we know it–the options now make it vastly easier to manage a normal life without feeling like you’re in the kind of insulin straightjacket we old-timers experienced back in the darker ages.


I’m so glad you got a correct diagnosis so quickly - many do not. Like @DrBB said, that weight loss is very disconcerting, sand could be a sign of a very dangerous condition. And going on insulin is truly not the end of the world. As much as I feared the idea, when the situation warranted, I switched to insulin and have generally had very good results. And there are lots of resources - including folks here - to help you through the details, when you go that route.

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My question is, have you only LOST weight since last year? When I was diagnosed, I had lost twenty pounds in five weeks. Right after diagnosis, I was put on a diet to gain the weight back. Since you were diagnosed initially as a Type 2, did they change your diet, restricting or lowering the amount of carbohydrates you ate?

If they did that, it may be time to revisit your diet.

Your diet and treatment should work together to achieve the goals of giving you enough energy to do what you have to do, better control of your blood glucose levels and consistent weight. Losing weight is a sign that one or both of the other two are not at the right levels.

Only YOU can figure it out, but it sounds like you may not be getting enough to eat or your activity level has gone up enough that you need more energy to maintain your weight. If you are satisfied with the amount of exercise you’re getting, look at your diet.

I personally never changed my diet after I put the weight back on. (I’m 6’3" and 172 pounds). I increased my exercise.

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All good responses here for you to filter, @Christopher7.

My experience similar to yours in some ways, and not in others.

I went two+ years losing weight without trying before being misdiagnosed as T2 (January 2016) and properly diagnosed as T1 (February 2016).

I was very glad to see the pounds shed, until I dropped 55 or so, to about 135 total.

This marker coincided with my diagnoses.

I did start to limit carbs. When I thought I was T2, the only carbs I ate were from lactose (lots of cheese and lots of half & half). I ate everything not carb. Nuts, meat, LC veggies, peanut butter. Very high calorie.

One difference: I was put on Metformin when misdiagnosed, but have continued with it even after the T1 diagnosis a month later. And that diagnosis started me on insulin.

What happened next was scary. I lost an additional 30 pounds. Yes, Low Carb diet.

But also high Fat.

Around 4 months after T1 diagnosis, I was at 105 lbs. It was nice to fit into small sizes again, but my family was so worried about me – and doctors too – that my family had an “intervention” because they thought I was starving myself (not likely on 1800 calorie diet), or something else was wrong (additional adrenal and celiac tests from Doctor all negative).

It was only within the past few weeks I’ve turned it all around. Doctor wanted to switch me from Metformim to Actos but I refused.

Instead I’ve made a concerted effort to eat six meals a day. I also increased my insulin slightly. And I became more physically active: gentle walking 2-4 times daily.

I also demanded of my life that I sleep 8 hours a day. This was once a “luxury” but now has become a necessity.

I have always drank a lot of water, usually 3/4 gallon daily. I continued this as well.

Within the past three weeks, I have gained six pounds. Something is working. I do not know if it is my new regimen, or something beyond my control.

Ask for extra help from your endo and GP. And eat even more? I know that sounds hard to accomplish. Just the extra (sixth for me) meal seems to have put me back in control.

It’s time to stop thinking like a T2, there is no lifestyle way to control T1
you are starving yourself to have good BG and the Dr won’t give insulin because of good BG isn’t a solution. Make another appointment or ask to be referred to a clinic.

More protein will put weight on. When your BG goes up you will need insulin. It really is as simple as that.
Of course carbs will put weight on too. There is no reason to go low carb. This needs more insulin than protein.
lots of healthy fats for energy, stay away from margarine and grain poly veg oils


I’m confused as to whether your goal is to gain weight while maintaining a relatively normal BG without taking insulin? Because (past the “honeymoon”) that is simply not possible for someone with Type 1 diabetes.

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hi Lada lady,

My mother also lost a lot of weight suddenly…it was actually the rapid weight loss which pushed me to drag my mother to the doctor to get a checkup…in which she was diagnosed with LADA shortly after. At the time of diagnosis she was 98 lbs( back in May)…4 months later, she gained a few lbs here and there. Current weight is abt 105-106. I’d like for her to gain a couple of more lbs as she has osteoporosis as well and I hear more weight = less risk for fractures. If you don’t mind me asking, what do your meals usually consist of? I thought abt adding in a 4th meal but then she’d have to be very strict with the timing of bolusing before meals etc.

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Hi Christopher,

Just like you, my mother lost abt 30 lbs right before being diagnosed with LADA. Her C peptide result was a 0.2 which means she basically had almost ZERO AMOUNT OF INSULIN IN HER BODY. She looked so ill, everyone in the neighborhood was worried about her. She has gained about 6-8 lbs( it took months and months) , however I believe this was possible due to Insulin ( long acting a.k.a background Insulin- Lantus/Tresiba and as well as injecting Insulin before a meal/ snack- Humalog).

Also, I hate to say it but carbs and a high calorie diet has helped my mom gain a couple of lbs, just my $0.02 .What may work for her, may not work for everyone. Try increasing your protein and fat intake. Do keep in mind, if you start Insulin, it will take a while before you see any weight gain. I do want my mom to gain perhaps another 10 lbs and I am somewhat running out of ideas for meals but it will take a while before her weight hits 110+. Also, almonds as a snack are great( high in protein, low in carbs) . My mother munches on these throughout the day nor does her sugar spike.

I wish you the best of luck, hang in there!

How tall is your mother, Tinsyl?

hi rgcainmd,

My mother used to be 5’2 early last year but now she is about 5’1, due to severe osteoporosis( thanks to a very early hysterectomy). Let’s just say, I am 5’2 as well…my mother and I used to be the exact height/ eye leveled and now…she has to look up to me. Very upsetting.

If your mother is 5’1" and weighs 100 pounds, she has a BMI (Body Mass Index) that is in the normal range. So you don’t need to worry about her weight. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes she has a small frame but she’s always been around 125-130. Within a year she literally lost 25-30 pounds without any attempt at all ( specifically muscle mass). Her neck became extremely thin, just overall she looked extremely boney. Her face lost so much weight and structure. She’s only 59 yet for a while she started to look like she was in her 80’s. Sadly she was diagnosed with osteoporosis the same exact time she was diagnosed with LADA.

If you’re T1 then at some point you will have to go on insulin. I could see your doctors easing you into it though. People normally gain weight when going on insulin and of course it controls your BG so maybe you should just consider starting insulin.