Is it possible to have low bg and not be diabetic? This happens to me, today I was at 59. is this somthing i should bring up to my doctor? I know that this has happened before. (My daughter is diabetic)
You have hypogliciema (oops, I know I badgered that word). Have been tested for Diabetes lately??
no, I can tell by the way I felt that i have had low levels before. My husband is going to the endo, (he’s been losing weight and we can’t find out why)
I agree with Cherise, hypoglycemia is the most likely thing that I can think of!!
Did you feel any symptoms from the low?
starving and weak
Have you tried testing yourself 45 minutes after you eat? I used to have low BG frequently and it turned out I was Type 1. I was going very high after eating and then crashing down to 60 or so. At first I was testing at 2 hours and fasting and everything looked normal.
It is completely possible. Some people have problems like this when they eat sugar and the pancreas over-reacts. I share a cubicle at work with a fellow who has this problem.
But high had a high protein lunch, low carbs, not surgar.
You should talk to your health care provider:) he or she could help run the proper test to determine if you are a diabetic
Hi Tara,
My daughter has this problem. She is also wheat and gluten and fructose intolerant. We have to keep her extremely low carb, otherwise she crashs badly. We actually count every gram of sugar in things. She will eat a 0 gram to a 2 grams of sugar, but no more than that for her entire meal. Her doctor checks her A1C every two months. He keeps all of her blood work absolutely up to date. We have type 1, type 2 and LADA in our family, but are hoping to prevent her becoming outright diabetic. She is extremely active and right now she has to lug around her cool pack all the time. She needs to eat some kind of protein about every two hours and drinks loads of fluids. She checks her blood sugars almost as often as i do and keeps those logged too, just like I do. So whatever you have to do, get the tests done and talk to the doctor. I hope he watches you too. Giood luck.
My mom was just diagnosed with impaired fasting glucose, which is different from hypoglycemia. It was explained to me that the insulin is released at a different rate than the carbohydrates are absorbed. Also, this won’t show in a normal A1C, as the blood average will appear normal. I suggest going in to your doctor to get checked up. She did have one really low, low, 39, but other than that she would hover around 70.
I would add to what Toni noted by letting you know that “reactive hypoglycemia” is very common in people who do not have diabetes, but its usually in response to high-carbohydrate consumption. It has nothing to do with diabetes, but is a function of the speed at which endogenous insulin goes to work and matches the metabolism of carbs and other foods (yes, proteins ultimately become glucose too). Many people who have this problem find that by moderating their refined carbohydrate consumption, the symptoms largely disappear. No more Skittles as a snack!!
Well put Scott.
I was diagnosed with reactive hypo, but also pre-diabetic. My fasting number was 113 but I dropped to 60 then 50 at the one and two hour check. (they didn’t catch the spike, musta been at the 1/2 hour mark??) Oddly my A1C was 5.6 - I think this means my average bg is around113 that must mean that sometimes it’s goes high to off set those lows. I haven’t caught it high yet, but have been dilligent about diet since diagnosis too -
Dad was diagnosed hypo, then typ II they type I (as it progressed through the years ) finally LADA.
Personally I think my pancrease is sputtering and it is only a matter of time before it develops like Dad’s did.
Karen, you might try testing yourself at the 45 minute mark just to see how high you go. It took me a long time to figure out why my A1C was higher than my post-meal numbers as I was seeing great numbers even at an hour. I found that unless I take insulin, my BG goes up to 180-200. This is because my first phase insulin response is almost completely absent. I only stay up there for a few minutes so it has been hard to catch. The danger with these numbers is that your beta cells go into overproduction to counteract the high BG during the second phase response. This causes reactive hypos but also burns out the beta cells. The theory is that with LADA, if you can keep your BG in the normal range, you can preserve your remaining Beta cells and insulin production indefinitely. I am at 14 months and still have a lot of insulin- just not the first phase after eating.
Hi Tara,
You really can’t see what is going on until you have an oral glucose tolerance test, but you may be perfectly normal. 59 is only just outside the normal range (65) for fasting glucose. Also home test meters are not that accurate. (Have you checked out the meter for accuracy?) Do you feel tired or shakey? Many people with diabetes feel shakey at this low level, but it’s because they body is not used to it.
Hi Tara…what you describe sounds very much like hypoglycemia…my numbers were all over the place too,before confirmation of D…get yourself to a doctor and demand a glucose tolerance test…not the 3 hour one, becuse if it is hypo., it might not show up in the first 3 hours, but might suface later…so ask for the 5 hour one (or 6 hours, if they still have them)…that way you get the full picture…especially if they graph it. Do bring along a snack for after the test…you’ll need it. The thing is to also let the technicians know right away if you’re feeling “strange” in any way during the course of the test…it could be very significant. Good luck and let us know what happened.