Low sugars - third trimester

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and for the past 5-6 days I’ve been experiencing very low sugars. Roughly 3-5 sugar lows a day that are taking oodles of carbs to get back to a normal range (like 50g-70g not the usually 15g/20g). I’ve decreased my basal/carb ratios by about 15% now. From 105 units a day to 82’ish.

My endo was not overly concerned about it but does want me to keep an eye incase the insulin needs decrease drastically. To me, it feels like a big decrease, especially in just a few days. I’ve placed a call into her today since I was hitting 1’s last night.

I’ve got so use to bolusing like crazy for meals and now I’m second guessing every time I go to hit that dosage button.

I’m wondering if this is normal? Did anyone else experience this?

Yep, I experienced this for sure! My doctors were very worried that it was a sign of placenta deterioration, but from talking with other moms it seems that many of us experience this decrease, even when the placenta is just fine.

Here is a discussion that I posted when I was 33 weeks pregnant

I remember having a low one night that I treated with 30-40g of carbs and then I woke up again low an hour later and treated with 50g of carbs then I woke up low in the morning. I seemed to need to treat the lows very aggressively.

Awww what a relief to hear this! Thank-you.

I stumbled across your blog post later today and felt reassured right away. How many weeks did you make it until you delivered your baby Kristin?

This disease, coupled with pregnancy can make anyone’s head spin at times.

We had a scheduled c-section one day after we completed the 38th week. I was pushing to get to 40, but in hindsight, our little guy WAS ready at 38 weeks. They decided to do the c-section because my insulin needs started decreasing at a faster rate and some of the non-stress tests suggested that he wasn’t enjoying life in the womb as much as previously. No major problems, but enough small signs that my doctor didn’t want to wait any longer.

I had the same panic that you had and I was reassured by others too :slight_smile:

It totally happened to me! Baffling, isn’t it? I hated that phase, being afraid of both lows and highs when I bolused for food! I have a CGM, so I was able to head off some of the lows with snacks, but I was drinking a lot of juice and eating a lot of candy and glucose tabs!

By that point, I was having non-stress tests twice a week so we knew that the baby was OK, but my endo did say that the decreasing insulin needs can mean the baby is in distress. Just make sure your OB or perinatologist (whomever is monitoring the baby) knows about this change. If you haven’t started the non-stress tests yet, they’ll probably want to start them now.

My perinatologist did say, however, that he doesn’t believe the popular theory that it means your placenta is suddenly breaking down. He believes the baby just needs more energy at the end! (S)he is bigger and developing fast. As long as (s)he is monitored and you watch out for those lows, you’re good. :slight_smile:

Yes, my OB-GYN also started the NSTs earlier than planned because of the decreasing insulin needs.

I like your perinatologist’s approach!

Hi, yep happened to me at late 33 weeks - darling daughter delivered a few days later (34+1) - all safe and sound. Placenta was on its proverbial last legs…

Congrats on 34 weeks… you’re almost there :slight_smile: I’m sure your team are watching you closely… look forward to seeing piccys!

All is good. Had another ultrasound today to rule out any issues with the placenta. Baby is in tip-top shape. Fluid is amazing (21.5 if that means anything) and placenta is a +1.

Seems the baby was just going through a crazy growth spurt which made my sugars go all crazy low for a few days. The past 2 days they seems to have bounced back with no lows at all.

Thanks for the advice, ease of mind and help!