
Do you drink alcohol and if so have your patterns with it changed lately? That can also reduce your basal and bolus needs simultaneously

Right, one needs to figure out her basal... We've been suggesting it forever. You seem to have recovered from those liver dumps at least. Have you performed any basal testing? Soon after you post a thread - wondering if I could get some advice here, please?, you start attempting to educate folks who are trying to help with sound information and advice. I advise you to apply all this sound knowledge you want to share to your situation.

I think Sam and Holger are right on, FIRST get the basal dialed in and THEN tinker with the bolus. I know you have read Gary Scheiner books and blogs and such. Do you actually follow any of the advice or solutions? When my bg starts a trend I start with small changes, reduce the basal by small increments and sometimes alter the time of basal delivery. No one here can tell you what you should do, nor do we need you to tell US what should be done. We know!!

nope, don't drink at all.

IDK, maybe??? can novolog last 6+ hours? has anyone else experienced this before?