Hi guys I just wanted to write a little post about the Solo pump but more importantly about new diabetes devices that come on the market.
As a community and someone who shares information on diabetes (like the new Solo pump) I feel we might be misleading some of our diabetic friends. Truly the Solo pump is something new and something to be excited about (I think) but I feel bad because I have heard some Diabetics say “the Solo is better than ________ pump” Fill in the blank there.
Sometimes the excitement around a new product gets confusing for some. And it must.
The size and shape of the Solo pump is different but that does not translate into better glucose control. I think we can agree on that. We need to hear more information on how this pump takes insulin into consideration for insulin on board, meal boluses, and etc. Not to mention how this pump will be supported by Medingo. Customer support and Educator knowledge has a large value to be considered.
In no way am I downgrading the Solo pump, the fact is that we don’t have enough information on it to make strong opinions on this device just yet. Yes we can be excited but don’t take that excitement the wrong way. Some of this excitement has led some diabetics out there to think this is “the best pump”
Hi, thanks or the very thoughtfull message,
If I read the information at the site correctly, it appeared to me to say that they call it the “Patch” and that it would combine both the Insulin pump, and the Glucose monitor in one device, is that correct? If true, that would be a wondrous breakthrough. I currently use the Dexcom 7 Plus, and since it isn’t covered by medicare for me, I save until i can purchase the sensors, no way can I at this time afford an insulin pump, but would love to buy one. From my research I think the Animus Ping would fit me the best, but I am waiting and saving until they announce the awaited version that will work with the Dexcom. I sure would like any information that lets me know how the Solo works, and its cost of use.
Thanks for your post and reminder to keep an open mind on products and services. I love Tu because I can find information that is not available from manufacturers and often even the provider community. I can get user opinions and experiences. I think it is valuable to share our experiences without the confines of market pressures…we can be truthful. What everyone needs to remember, is that it is not personal (intended to offend others) and not gospel truth (it is just what we know to be true for us or our reading of information)…it is a sharing of personal experience. Tu is truly unique and extremely helpful to me as an educated consumer of health care and as a person coping w/ a chronic illness:) Love you all and everything you have contributed to my well being.
I totally agree with you. You never know which is better unless you used all that is available and can compare. This one is not available until 2010. I got an e-mail from them today asking if I would like to be a part of the participants who give feed back on the product. They give a loaner pump and supplies for 90 days and you give feedback. Right now I am on my animas ping and love it. So I just don’t know about that. But who can say it is the best when you just can’t compare? Solo is not even out yet. It does have some good ideas though. They said, they was still tweaking some things on it. My words not theirs. Their meaning though. LOL.
I will share that after demoing the solo, which I thought was really neat, I spent some time learning more about the other pumps that are currently on the market. Not only did I look info up online, but I spoke with users of said pumps. I learned alot more about the pros and cons of each model of pump this way. I will do the same when the Solo comes to market. The support of a pump is crucial to a user’s ability to succeed with the therapy!
It made me realize that we all need to also remember that what ever works for you may not be a great option for others. Your diabetes may vary is such a true saying!
The Solo has unique features that make it a promising option but as actual users of Omnipod have reported, individual success and satisfaction with any one model can vary greatly. I look forward to reading what people actually experience. I think tubeless pumps in particular present challenges that are difficult for the designers to anticipate beforehand. I don’t think Insulet expected the huge variance in occlusion rates from person to person and from site to site. I like the idea of the Solo’s manual inserter because it might result in fewer occlusions.
Good points from all. I thought I’d respond (I work for Medingo) and cover a couple of items. I’m not going to go the route of ours is better than xxxx, that’s not what this site is about and I’m definitely not going to say we offer “better glucose control”. With that said, I did want to provide some additional info.
As we all know, customer support is often more important than having a great product and we want to be sure that we are ready to support patients 24/7. So before making Solo commercially available, we plan to launch a Personal Experience Program (PEP) in early 2010. We will provide PEP participants loaner Starter Kits and supplies at no charge for a limited period (approximately 90 days). This will allow us to test our training, 24 hour customer support and to establish appropriate reimbursement and distribution. Only after the completion of the PEP will we be ready to commercially launch Solo. We will be announcing the location of the PEP sites through our e-newletter s if you have an interest, sign up for it here: http://www.solo4you.com/?page=OurCommunity In order to support the PEP, we are currently hiring Certified Diabetes Educators and after the PEP we will continue our hiring in order to support new sales.
Once the PEP is complete, we will gradually expand our distribution area across the U.S. when we are sure that we can not only supply product, but also surround our customers with excellent service, training, distribution and reimbursement processes that are critical for pumpers.
In regards to Bill’s question on IOB, Solo’s IOB is determined in the same way as the Deltec Cozmo so meal bolus insulin is taken into consideration.
We also recognize that many people have questions about Solo….how many basal patterns, minimum rates etc. so we should have a spec sheet that covers these types of questions on the www.solo4u.com web site soon. I do not want to make this post a sales pitch so if If you have any specific questions, you can contact us at info@medingo.com
I am happy to see the Solo’s consideration for meal boluses to determine Insulin On Board. I believe that is a key factor for my diabetes pump treatment.
We all can’t wait to see the specs of the new Solo pump. Please let us know when you have them posted to the site.
Anyone know what the deal is with their “pay as you pump” theory? I saw it on their website but never really found any more info about it. Also, what experience do you guys have with switching to another pump? If I were to decide I wanted to try something else I wonder how cooperative my insurance company would be… I guess you’d have to wait a certain amount of time…?
Normally, your insurance will approve a switch to a new pump only when your current pump warranty is up (usually every 4 years). Otherwise, if you want a new pump, you’re expected to pay for it out of pocket. But, after you’ve switched, insurance won’t usually have a problem with paying their portion of your new supplies, as long as the pump supplier is a provider on their plan. Also, many pump companies have a 30-45 day trial period, so if you don’t like it, you can return it.
I ordered a sample Solo pump and wore it for 3 days and completely forgot it was on. After 34 years I have never worn a pump. The tubing is a real turn off for me. The size of the solo is wonderful. I think you’re right in that it is a “patch” delivery. Not sure how that will work. You can bolus either from the remote or on the pump itself. Unlike the omnipod, there would be no wasted insulin because you can remove and re-attach it and not have to pitch the entire pod. I’ve volunteered to be one of the first to try it out after they get it on the market. Heard that’s suppose to be the first of the year.
Did I mention that 1happydiabetic.com is my new favorite website alongside tu? you rock bill and I totally agree. i’m getting a demo omni pod and a demo solo soon…well see how that works. i have an animas that i love…so who knows.
Craig, have you heard anything about when Medingo is going to come to the states? The company was sold on April 13 2010…I was up for a support line job and I’ve been waiting for 4months…any info?
Great thread Bill. You brought up some very important points. It is definitely exciting to see what is coming out in the future, but we just don’t know how good it’ll be until the finished product is out and for sale.
I also dislike pump comparisons that say one pump is better then another. No person is ‘one size fits all’. What works for one, will most certainly not always work for another.
How do they 'test" the bgs on the solo? Is there an integrated CGM or do you test w/ the hand held unit…or do you need a totally separate meter? This was not clear to me on the videos. Thank you… my son is currently on the Omnipod and I am really intrested in the Solo.
I am keeping my eye on the Solo pump and also the Pancreum Artificial Pancreas. THAT is what I want the most in my son’s life time… But… the Solo…even though it might be more complicated…I am sure my son could work all its parts…love the bolus buttons…love not wasting insulin… and love that it will consider the bolus of food as IOB …did you you Omipod doesn’t?