I have a random question. I am going on trip next week and I was wondering if anyone knows if the CGM devices set off the metal detectors at the airport?! I know my pump doesnt, but i havent travelled yet with the glucose sensor… thanks!
Carry a note from the endocrinologist That is what I do every time I fly. I fly a lot for my job.
i hear that the heavy magnetic feild in metal detectors can screw things up
Until a recent trip, leaving San Francisco (SFO), I had never had any issues (I don’t wear a CGM but I do have a pump).
Now @ SFO they have this gigantic security device which picks up things like pumps (and I am sure CGMs). It was the first time ever I have been asked to please pull out the pump out of my pocket.
After I explained it was an insulin pump and that I had diabetes, it was a non-issue, but do make sure to bring a letter from your endo. After all CGMs are relatively new technology and not everyone @ TSA may be aware of it.
YES, YES it does…do NOT go through the metal detectors and it will DAMAGE the transmitter…make sure you have a letter from the doc and don’t even let them go over you with the “wand”…they have to “pat you down”…sorry
I travelled last September to Europe.
i have flown with mine and it never set it off.
I have flown with mine a number of times and it does not seem to set off the detectors. Neither does my pump, for that matter.
This topic always obligates me to post this YouTube video about metal detectors:
My MM pump sets off the ones in the airport andn the ones in court houses. Most guards are readily familiar with insulin pumps today, and once you advise what the device is, there is seldom a problem.
The millimeter wave scanner. I walked through that this morning on my way out of SFO. Pretty cool technology.
The guy told me he had to pat me down anyways because it picked up something near my knee even though I didn’t have anything there. I told him that was just my d*ck. Got the pat down anyways…
I have travelled in 2009 in Canada and to the US ( and back , ha , ha ) , wearing my pump and sensor …no problem .The wand has not even been used.I always show my pump , wear it at my waistband .And oh my, I had forgotten my Specialist’s letter , which I rememberd on my return trip .No one made an issue .
Airport personnel seem to be more concerned about my boots, with less than an inch high heel I was wearing and had to take them off , Vancouver, BC …