Meter Results

I have been a T2 for 4 months now. Today I received a new meter in the mail as a result of joining Bayer Healthcare. I signed up for the free meter so I could leave one at work and one at home. So after using the control on the new meter. I tested with my old meter at the same time using the new meter - using the same blood from the initial stick. This was after eating a meal. One meter (new one) showed 161 while the other meter (old one) showed 175. I understand using two different sites at different times can show a different results. But using the same drop of blood?? Any thoughts? I was concerned that either meter is not giving me a good idea. While both numbers were in the ballpark for having a larger meal that I had on this occasion, would the numbers be this different.

Thanks, still navigating my way through the diabetes diagnosis.

Those two numbers not all that different when you consider they are within the accuracy allowance for meters. I trust my Contour(s) and have for years, here is an example of a test like yours (I used my meter and my back up travel meter in prep for a trip):

972-Bayermetercomparison.jpg (4.9 KB)

Meters are allowed to have up to a 20% variation, so this is well within that limit. They are working on changing that regulation. Some of us come to trust one or another meter significantly but usually it's when there is a wider difference or it varies on a regular basis.

Thanks as I said I am still navigating my way so I was curious.

Thanks Zoe, was just curious.

You are very welcome. I have used many a meter in my years with diabetes. My first meter was huge and almost required a suitcase to carry back and forth - LOL. I think the Contour is an excellent product, I have several of them and trust them. When I get a lab test for my check up, I do a meter check at the same time and they are one or two digits different. I recommend the Bayer but if your insurance has a preference then I would follow that if you can get help with the cost of strips which are the expensive part of testing.

I am glad you found TuD debsgsd, and hope the experience of folks here will help you navigate along your way. It is great that you are being curious! It takes time to figure all of this stuff out, and when you do think you've got it all - it just changes without permission, rhyme, or reason ;)

there is another reason for the variation and it depends upon the strip technology and if it is testing for glucose D only or all sugars in blood - glucose D, xylitrol, maltose dextrose, galactos which then you are getting a totalized reading of glucose D plus the others. the battle is how much of the man made sugars blow by the intestines and sneak into blood system. Some folks think and believe the body fire well is impervious.

I hate to break it to those folks that people like me have leakage that can throw reading off by 100 points no sweat! The other issue is where your hemocratic , oxygen and water values are running on ones body and if you are at the end of the meter range, readings cal also be out! 20% does not cover it. Some meters have good interferor rejection and others are poor.

personally, I wish the FDA would demand all meters have filters on their strips to read glucose D only and reject interfeors.

I never heard of this explanation, but it makes sense. Thanks for the info, I am learning & trying to use the "best" methods to maintain my BS & to monitor. I was given the One Touch Verio by my MD's office with the insurance paying 100% for testing strips. The Bayer Contour Next was sent to me free by Bayer as I signed up for info so I was going to take it to work. I just would like to be as accurate as possible metering so I can use the info to learn the best way for me to monitor this disease. Thanks so much

This story is actually worse and more tragic when some folks back a few years on dialysis were given huge doses of insulin and died because the hand held tools being used did exactly as described by mistakenly showing huge glucose numbers because of man made sugars used in dialysis and injected into blood system and showed supposedly massive glucose readings - glucose D not! These were the PQQ strip technology.

If you are like me, the testing you did keying up two meters and test strips and measuring single blood sample drop at same time will smoke out the deadbeats.

The press nonsense is totally unreliable and if you are at risk ; it is always important to verify any new meter/strip against what has worked for you and not be fooled /coerced into accepting we only supply a certain meter and no longer use the one that worked for you.

This is not a personal preference issue some well meaning folks dump in your face but your glucose control, health and safety. Do not be fooled!

The other joke is try and find out detailed operating specs necessary to smoke out this nonsense and one is out looking for hen's teeth.

Yes, if you scour FDA approval records, one can find specific data.
In the released approved FDA meter/strip manual - oh good luck. Battery specifications and voltage - you bet!

Heh… I’d be pretty happy if the SAME meter reads that close twice in a row

You will find that the experts won't have a fit at the small differences in the numbers. I can't recall what the percentage is, though. One suggestion is that you call Bayer and discuss this with them. They will tell you what the percentage is and may have some good suggestions for the use of the meter. Good Luck.


Sorry I didn't read all the previous responses. I agree with most. The only true way to test the meter is with a blood test (you know, poke the arm) and then drop a drop of that blood onto your strip. Coming from the same well, so to say! If you get your blood drawn at the lab, ask your DR for orders to do the test to compare for you.

I've used the AccuChek Advantage Plus for years and years but am about to switch to the Bayer Contour Next because it came with my new insulin pump. The advantage is that it can communicate directly with my meter. Let's hope I don't regret the switch!

Take care and welcome!
