Most popular pump for 2025

If you use an insulin pump which one are you currently using?

  • Beta Bionics iLet
  • Dana (any)
  • Deka Sequel Twiist
  • Insulet Omnipod 5
  • Insulet Omnipod Dash
  • Medtronic Minimed 780G
  • Medtronic Minimed770G
  • Medtronic Minimed 630G
  • Medtronic Minimed (older model)
  • Roche Accu-Check Solo
  • Tandem Mobi
  • Tandem t:slimX2
  • Ypsomed (any)
  • Other
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Do you Loop ?

  • CGM->Pump aka Hybrid Closed Loop, Smart Guard, Control IQ, etc
  • CGM->Phone->Pump aka DIY Loop, Tidepool, Trio, etc
  • Manual Mode!
0 voters

I am curious what people are using these days.


interesting poll, I wonder how many people would like to try out a new pump operating system? Keeping their current pump, but installing a new software operating system.


Do it! Create a new post or topic, click on the gear icon and pick Build Poll.

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I’m one who would gladly use the Omnipod software in a patch pump with better reliability. Seems like the last 12 to 24 hours of every pod is like a trip to a casino, hoping I’ll get lucky and absorb the bolus.


I am on the Medtronic 780G, and I love it. My time in range is usually in the 90 percent. My last A1C was 6.3. The Guardian 4 sensors are very accurate.


I’m not trying a new OS, but rather trying out a new pump while the old one is still in warranty. – I am currently using the Tandem TSlim/Dexcom 7 combo and the Control IQ function is useless because the Dexcom sensor and pump cannot maintain the Bluetooth connection for a full 24 hours. Dexcom works great with it’s own app, but not with the Tandem pump itself, which is the whole point of Control IQ. TSlimx2 is out of warranty in 2 years. – In the meantime, I paid $499 out of my HSA money to try out the Medtronic 780g with it’s Guardian sensor. I have my fingers crossed in the hopes that the Bluetooth connection between the sensor and pump is stronger because Medtronic makes both with the intention that they work together unlike the Dexcom/Tandem collaborative effort. – I will keep you posted!

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There’s isn’t any other commercial algorithm I would choose over Control-IQ, as I need the ability to charge basal profiles, but I would love to run my current Mobi pump with AndroidAPS instead of Control-IQ. Control-IQ is very similar, but AndroidAPS has additional features that I miss.

I never used to have a “third day” problem but lately I’ve been going quite a bit higher 12-24 hours before a pod change. I’ve had luck with a “day 3” basal profile of +50%.

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Might give that a try…Lately I’ve been extending the pods by using Omnipod for only basal (plus the occasional after meal correction) and syringe/Humalog for meal bolus. The difference is very noticeable when removing an old pod…no more red welt at the infusion site.

The Auto mode algorithm would be confused by all that so I run most of the day in Manual mode. I still use Auto mode for exercise as a handy way to suspend or minimize insulin.

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