My battle,my way!

I reckon trying to get someone to understand how diabetes impacts on everything is almost harder then diabetes itself.

How do I explain it to someone I just met,that even though I look normal my pancreas doesn’t work.

How do I get a friend to comprehend the reasons why I got to inject or test.

How do I get my toddler to understand it breaks my heart to see her pick her top up to be injected just because her mum is doing it.

How do I stop her offering me her finger whenever I test. Doesn’t she know I pray for her to never ever have to do it.

How do I get my relatives or judgmental individuals to stop giving me useless information about hearsay cures.

How do I get do gooders or know it alls to stop sharing their knowledge with me.

How do I get people to see I deal with my diabetes in my own way and I am doing a damn good job,if I may say so myself.

Thanks Marks.
Believe me I stopped wasting my energy a long time ago just want those younger then myself to know that they are not alone in their thoughts and actions.
When I was younger It seemed like I was the only diabetic in town just recently met other diabetics.
So if me writing something inspires or helps someone to take control I think I’ve done a great job. Xxx