My pump has malfunctioned/overdose

That’s my question, what does it indicate?
Wouldnt it have been running and whirring like crazy?
I can’t comprehend how it would deliver that much insulin?
In what way did it do it? Guess we all ought to know how much we have in there at all times huh?

Sorry you had to go through this. Agree with others that the Ping can also have its issues. One mom in the DOC recently related to how her daughter had a severe low and wound up seizing and wound up in the hospital due to a pump malfunction. We do trust for our pumps to keep us alive and not harm us. We do take a leap of faith every day.

Terrifying experience! I’m staying with MDI. My sryinges haven’t tried to kill me. Pump malfunctions in either direction are too scary for me. Sorry for what you went through.

I think Diabetes is the issue , not necessarily the tools used to manage the disease …I know of 4 of which 2 personally , type 1’s who died in their sleep …none used a pump at the time. Lots of sad stories !
Helz, I pray you are OK !

Someone taking too much insulin can happen with or without a pump. But the amount delivered due to a device malfunctioning is extremely risky & increases the odds of getting too much or too little insulin. One serious pump malfunction can be lethal.

I’m so very sorry you had this experience – how terrifying. I wish I could give you a big (((((hug))))).

Hang in there!

The pump would have to ‘ignore’ the setting for the maximum Basal though, unless MM pumps dont have that feature?

The worst my syringes have ever done is bite my finger when I was trying to put the cover back on – but you gotta keep an eye on them when you’re tired – they’ll try to give you the wrong dose if you’re not paying attention. Naughty things!!!

There was no whirring - like any insulin delivery in the pump it doesn’t make a sound unless you have it set to ‘beep’ once dose delivered. Which I do have set but the only beep was for my bolus 3.5 dose earlier in the evening.

The log only shows the previous set change and bolus that was for a meal. Nothing else is showing up other than an extra ‘rewind’ that I wasn’t aware happened when I changed the reservoir. But at that point the pump had no insulin in it (preparing for reservoir change) nor was it attached to my body.

I can’t comprehend it either - but it happened :frowning: …I’m not sure if it helped but my max dose setting was 40 units…I am still wondering what would have happened if that hadn’t been set on the pump.

I am always (or should I say ‘was’ aware) of how much insulin was in my reservoirs - I was relatively new to pumping - 7mths.

TBH I don’t know if I will ever feel ‘brave’ enough to go back to a pump now…

Thanks everyone x

in 29 yrs of MDI I had never had a hospitalisation because of my diabetes - since being on my pump I’ve had periods of times where there were high ketones and I needed advice from the hospital (never had issues with that before pump).

I’m getting myself back into a routine with MDI - possibly will change to Levemir Basal - unsure yet. But I do feel extremely lucky, even if a tad annoyed that I’m back to 1 unit doses. (atm waiting on a pen that delivers half units to see if I can manage better with that as i’d got so used to tiny increments on the pump).
After my experience I’m probably better off with the devil that I know…

thanks x

My diabetes wasn’t the issue - in 29yrs I had no hospitalisations or complications. i spent 7mths on a a pump and it almost kills me…so in my case it definitely was the ‘tool’…sorry for sounding so disagreeable on this…

I also know some diabetics who have died in their sleep - and that is tragic and unfortunate but not necessarily due to their diabetes but possibly more to do with their management of it, or an alteration of their usual routine, or maybe illness etc etc - hundreds of reasons for a tragedy like that :frowning:

thanks for messaging x

exactly - the difference between an extra couple of units on your system, compared to a whole days dose …

I know where I’m placing my trust now…

my pump possibly did acknowledge the max dose setting…it was set at 40 units.

I dread to think about the what if’s or could have been’s if that hadn’t been set - but unfortunately I keep going back in my mind to that night and how I felt, being in the ambulance etc etc etc…

I’m getting stronger…as each day passes and my Lantus is settling I’m seeing some benefits for MDI again…has been a difficult swap back- esp when the pump was making a huge difference to my overall control and basal needs.

thank you xxx I think mainly it’s other diabetics and their family members can fully appreciate how terrifying the whole experience was… I appreciate your virtual ‘hug’ xxx

I think it would be rare to happen again, but surely understand your apprehension about it!

Ihave my Animas set to max basal of 2 per hour, no more.

But maybe those can fail as well.
I’m going to look my setting over for max daily and max bolus as well.

You said in your first post that “my reservoir reduced from 170units approx to 124.5 units” and then later you said that your max does was set for 40 units. By my calculations, your pump probably did not exceed the 40 units max, since you said the 170 figure was approximate.
I don’t know what other people set for their max but I have never set mine above 15. I asked myself what dosage I thought I could survive if I accidentally somehow got that max dosage and came up with 15 units. I can’t imagine having it set at 40.
Especially since you say you give yourself 1 unit doses.
I am not saying the pump did not malfunction but I do not think you can rule out human error as a part of the picture here. I surely want everyone’s pump to function perfectly but it can be a very dangerous piece of technology. We have to do the very best we can to operate it safely and hope that it stays in good order.

Animas has Max Basal, Max Bolus, Max Daily and 2 Hour Max.
So I’m thinking, you have a very good point Neil.
Might pay for all of us to analyze each category to make sure we have things set right.

I am sorry for your bad experience Helz. I do think that malfunctions can happen with any insulin pump no matter what manufacturer. I used to build high tech electronics that were under similar standards that medical devices are made. No matter how many checks ect a few bad ones can get by sadly. I know that is why i test more frequently that some people do. I had a near miss myself when i was 20 but i did got back to mdi for several years and have now been back on the pump for 3 years now. I know i do pay much more attention to what is going on with my pump. I also have my max dose set at a much lower level to help avoid situations like this.


Wow, this thread is incredible to read. I have been on a Medtronics pump for 2 years now. I have not had an issue with it overdosing. I am curious however what you mentioned earlier. Was it your Basal or Bolus you had set for 40 units max? Must be your Bolus. I would think you would not want either set that high…especially Basal. Obviously diabetics insulin needs vary. But, I have my Basal max set for whatever my highest Basal does is (1.25). No higher. Same with the Bolus (although Bolus’s are a larger dose).

I am so glad you are okay and have shared your horrifying experience with us.

Hi Helz, you mentioning and stating for being disagreeable with what I wrote …I don’t see it that way, so you and I are holding this differently …I am here to learn and I believe we want the best for all PWD and keep on living .

In response to Nell’s and Laura’s comments I tried to copy and paste from the online Medtronic Paradigm User guide : …however not successful , so I use the 2 finger typing approach .As per page 58 Paradigm Veo User Guide …similar to the 522 pump as I recall .

" Go to the Main > Basal > Basal Setup > Max Basal Rate …top is 35 u on the Veo I wear.

Change the rate and press Act ( factory default is 2.00 units per hour )

Your max basal rate is now set . Exit the menus .

2 Samples are given : a person with very small insulin requirements …Max basal rate of 1.00 u per hour ; other with much larger insulin requirements …Max basal rate 3 u per hour .

I have mine set at 2.00 units and have used this number with all the pumps since 2001 .I was caught once , when setting a temp basal and pump did not accept because of the low Max setting …someone in pump land explained .PS Did you receive pump training , can’t recall reading if you did or did not ?