My son has been having bad reactions to the Medtronic sensor adhesive. These problems cause his A1C to progressively climb. I’m stressed out

So…I want to say long story short. My son has been using the Medtronic 670g for about a year and a half now. This Feb ‘19 started the second year. Since the new year idk if Medtronic changed something in their adhesive or something changed in my son but he’s been having reactions to the tape that they send for the sensor. Nasty, smelly rashes were happening under the tape. I’d make sure the tape was sealed and I guess between him sweating or whatever was in the tape I would notice like fluid building up under the tape. Smh. I’d change the tape trying to preserve the sensor so it could last the full amount of days. Most times the sensor would knock out after two three days. Just a whole mess. This has been a uphill battle for months. On the phone with Medtronic, speaking to his doctor with their “suggestions”. Medtronics tape kits on back order, never receiving one. I’ve been reading and researching ordering different tapes. All this time having issues with the tape his A1C has been climbing and the dr and the Medtronic rep have been adjusting his carb ratio. Just mentally and emotionally draining.

Now as of recent I found a tape that is breathable and keeps the break outs down as much as possible. He still has a slight reaction behind the sensor where their adhesive is. I guess moisture gets trapped behind it…the tape I ordered from amazon it’s called Hypafix dressing retention sheet. I have to cut it, not a problem. But until this issue with him getting these reactions resolve the pump can’t work at its full potential and is negatively effecting his A1C. I know it’s stressing him out because he knows I’m stressed…any suggestions…??

Obviously, he’s allergic to the tape. Have you tried skin tac?

I feel for him, I have had some nasty reactions to adhesives, my skin has looked raw within hours because of some of it. I have all sorts of reactions to adhesives, but I can wear Skin Tac without any issues. You might try using it instead of the adhesive it comes with. I know some people have used Flonase spray on the skin before adhesives to try to keep allergic reaction down. Not sure how that actually worked though.

Personally when I start to react to an adhesive it just keeps getting worse. I know a couple other people that have had an issue and it’s a matter of trying different adhesives until hopefully you find one that doesn’t bother you.

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Flonase works very well too. Skin tac gives a cushion between the skin and adhesive.

I used the skintac. I will try it again with the new Hypafix tape. I will be purchasing some Flonase tomorrow. Thanks for the response

Just make sure to let the Flonase completely dry before inserting the sensor/infusion set

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Yes he’s allergic. I’m using Hypafix tape now. But if you are familiar with the Medtronic 670g sensor there’s a small flap the same shape as the transmitter that has adhesive on it separate from the tape. I’ve applied the skintac on that part for added protection between that part and the skin and he still has a reaction, not as bad though. I will try the Flonase like the previous post suggested. That’s something I haven’t tried yet. Thanks for your response

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Will do!

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I’m highly allergic to surgical tape, the adhesive on my sensors and infusion sets doesn’t bother me. My Endo highly recommends Flonase for allergic reactions to tape.

Thank you guys! I hope the Flonase works. I’ll buy it tomorrow and give an update ASAP.

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If you dont have any luck with that try tegaderm. Tegaderm allows perspiration out but stops bacteria coming in. The best thing about tegaderm is it feels just like your skin. It is kind of expensive but it is worth it.


What Edward2 said. We use Tegaderm film underneath my son’s Dexcom sensors, the inserter needle goes straight through it. While some people still react to it, it’s much less common than any other tape (my wife gets blisters from most adhesive tapes within a day or two, but can wear tegaderm for a week without issue).


Really feel for you and your son. I don’t have suggestions I’m afraid, though it seems others here have - really hope something works out. My daughter has an issue with pump sites failing frequently, though this doesn’t seem to be due to reactions to adhesive.

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Hi i have ordered a couple different tapes over the months and I liked tagaderm also. My only hope is the Flonase at this point because all the issues start behind the sensor and the tape traps the moisture then leading to the nasty wet rash or the fluid building up. Hypafix at least allows most of it to dry but not behind the sensor where that sensor tape is. So hopefully the Flonase coupled with the skintac will keep the barrier between the skin and that little bit of adhesive. That’s what I’m hoping. That’s a lot of steps to put a sensor on but I will keep you all posted

As far as your daughters sensors failing. Maybe the transmitter needs to be replaced. If you’re applying the sensors correctly there has to be a problem with the transmitter internal battery. Almost impossible you can’t get at least one or two good ones… I was reading a different thread last night and a couple people mentioned carefully taking off the tape, leaving the sensor on and recharging the transmitter. I’ve actually done that a couple times when the skin was still clean and dry and it worked. If you get what I’m saying maybe try that before removing the whole sensor. Let it calibrate and everything before you put the new tape on so you can make sure it takes again and not waisting tape

Hi, see I was told if I put anything under the sensor like skintac or whatever don’t insert thru anything because it can go into the site. I mean if it works for you guys that’s awesome. I will try to use it without inserting thru it but definitely another option. I just have to prevent the reaction so the fluid doesn’t start period then I won’t have to worry so much about taking it off 5-7 days later with some nasty skin issue that now has to heal. Once both arms are like that we take a break from the sensor altogether which is not ideal but he has to heal and I’m sure those gaps in use is what effected his A1C

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Read this thread maybe it’ll help you. I hope I was able to post the link properly. Otherwise just search “Medtronic 670g sensor not lasting the full 7 days”

One more option to try: there is a No-Sting version of Skin Prep that might possibly help. It is a barrier wipe. I used to use the regular version of Skin Prep when using Medttronic sensors but it didn’t work great. Then I switched to the G5 and sometime use Skin Tac, but for your son, I think Skin Tac may be too strong of a chemical to use as the barrier. BE SURE to let the No-Sting Skin Prep dry completely so that it acts as more of a barrier than an adhesion enhancer which is what I use(d) Skin Prep and Skin Tac for, so for that I place an item on me while those 2 are tacky.

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Mmm! You’re right about acting less of a enhancer. I dont care for that but figured it was still a barrier I’ll try that too. I am willing to try any and everything I just want some consistency already!!! Fingers crossed

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I hope it works out for your son.

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You can cut a hole in the centre of the film before you apply it, then line up the sensor before you stick it on and insert, we have done that too. But the film is very thin and can be fiddly to apply, and it works just fine without doing this.
Day 14 of his current Dexcom and no irritation, accuracy better than the first week (last 3 calibrations all had CGM within 0.2mmol/L of BGL).