Need advice concerning Cortisone Injection

I’m scheduled to have a cortisone injection in my wrist this afternoon for tendonitis and some torn cartilage. I know from past experience that this will make my blood sugars high for several days. This time I’m on an insulin pump and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in increasing basals for the duration or should I just keep chasing the highs? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

Whenever I have any kind of steriods I always increase my basal on my pump. I know how my body reacts to the steroids so I pretty much know where I need to set my basal to counteract the high. I would do what you are comfortable with doing.

I use 50% higher Lantus for 4 days with Aristospan 20 mg; with Kenalog 40 mg, 50% higher for 6 days. It’s a sudden drop at the end. You’ll have to fine tune that with the pump and you’ll have to figure it out for your own self. I’ll be interested in your doing a follow up with us to let us know what you actually do.

I had one in my shoulder about a year ago and it had little to no effect on my BG.

Thanks everyone for your help. I’m off to the doctor and will just keep an eye on things, maybe increase my basal a little. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as in the past.