I am now adding diabetes stories to my website as a means of expansion to my website and also this helps others to learn even more about others with diabetes.
I WOULD LOVE to see your submission there! When you go to the site which is listed on my page here, just scroll down on the Navbar until you see Diabetes Stories and submit. I would be tickled pink to see them and the more the merrier!
You don’t have to put your e-mail address unless you want notification of when your story is published on the site. We DO NOT send spam and are very strict about that issue. We only send other newsletters to those who specifically request one.
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 10 years and 9 days. No one in my family had this disease nor was anyone ever given more difficult stuff at this tender age than me. You see about a month after I was diagnosed I was at the docs and was listening to what he was telling my parents… What I heard was ‘Karen will probably never see the age of 21 so you need to help her with this disease…’ My parents cried all the way home and called the rest of our extended family and asked for prayers for me… So I was terried about this disease from that day on… then I went to nursing school and learned that things may not be that bad I read everything I could get on this disease and decided that the doc was an idiot… of course, for 8 years I was terrified… and never wanted to learn a bunch of ridiculous stuff so I was not one to really apply myself to this school thing… I mean why learn stuff if I was gonna die…?
But today I can tell you that my parents would not allow me to get too depressed about this disease and they made me work hard to maintain my grades. I am a fortunate one in that my 45 years of having this disease has been a learning experience. I am still learning all about this disease and I hope to never feel that I got it all scoped out… Living with this disease is a challenge to be sure. But for some reason I refuse to give in to my “WHY ME?” phase and just keep plugging along… When I was old enough to go to the doc alone I learned that this is actually the best disease to get… Why some of you may be asking??? Well think about it…
You have to eat a well balanced diet and keep a decent weight, exercise and take some meds. So if you have just been diagnosed with this malady keep thinking that God has blessed you and you can now learn how to take care of all things that might mess with your health… a positive attitude in taking on the rigors of this disease will make control and good numbers be fun to achieve…
I hope everyone who is diagnosed will remember that smiling and following the regime that you and your team have set up makes everyday an adventure not a chore…
Oh where did I get this attitude… try reading the children’s book “A Secret Garden” you will see how to turn all negative aspects into positive rewards and learn to love this disease.
I wish everyone a positive experience and hope that anyone who reads this will see that being in good spirits makes anything manageable… Happy days to all, Karen been diagnosed for 45 years this coming
April… my last a1C was 6.4 and my only regret is that I am no longer able to work because of hypoglycemia unawareness.
Hi, my name is Tracy, I myself do not have Diabetes. My husband was dx at the age of 16 months he is now 36 and is doing great. When I became pregnent with my oldest son Michael I ask what the chances where that my son would also develope type 1. At that time they didnt believe that it was passed down that easy so I was told that there wasn’t a real big chance. When Michael was three we had our youngest son Owen. For about another year and a half everything was great but on the 5th of May 2008 our lives became out of control. Michael started showing the signs ( which we all know well) so I used my husbands meter and got the dreaded “HI” and I just went crazy, But god bless my son from the time he was admitted to the hospital till he was released he didn’t cry once. I was so proud. Soon after he was discharged we had Owen tested through TRAILNET which showed a postive antibody and while we were waiting for the confirmitory test he also started showing the same signs as his brother. So I tested Owen another “HI” so it was off to Childrens Hospital we went. With him it was not so easy he was so young he didnt understand. Our boys are now 4 and almost 2 and Michael starts on the OmniPod this Monday, Owen has a couple more months left but we can’t wait. We have a very stressfull life with so much sweetness in our family but everyone is there to support each other.