I think it might be, Joy. I definitely had a baby pressing hard on that nerve during pregnancy and ever since, it’s troubled me.
Thanks for everyone’s responses! I have been reading and apologize for not getting back to this.
An update: the pain has subsided and now I generally feel no numbness, pain or tingliness in my feet. Blood sugars are stable and everything seems good for now.
SO I will also admit I am not a fan of Dr Bernstein. Although I do a LCHF diet, religiously, dx A1c of 12 now 5.6 no meds. But I was doing that long before I read Bernstein. I learned to eat to my meter at a very good diabetes education course.
I beleive that all diabetics are not the same, LCHF is good, all doctors are not bad and insulin is not always required.
Honestly for my own T2, I followed lchf/Jason Fung/IF and did well. It wasn’t until my son was dx T1 that I really fully read Bernstein and, in the absence of a good diabetes “team” he really spelled everything out well for me. The Typeonegrit group has been great for us, as well. Our entire family has adopted a LCHF lifestyle and are using most of Bernstein’s methods and recommendations for our child who is doing very well right now, but we are still honeymooning and the emotional impact is still tough.
I would agree with your last statement. Also adding that diabetes is crappy, period—and we’re all trying.
My experience with neuropathy was more just intense pain in my feet. I think this was made worse because I also had plantar faciitis as well. However, all of the pain was not from the faciitis. I would be in immense pain when I got out of bed, barely able to walk. This would improve slightly as the day wore on and then be worse at night. That’s faciitis. But I had nerve conductivity tests run that showed some nerve damage and I was, at one time, taking 3200 mg Gabapentin.
Needless to say, I was basically a zombie.
Somewhere in there, I switched doctors (general practitioner) and when he saw the dose of Gabapentin, he couldn’t believe I was functional and began tapering me down. Once I got to where I was on just 600 mg/2x, I was doing so much better, I just stopped taking it altogether.
Now, I am horrible at keeping all my medical timelines in order or even in mind, so I can’t tell you exactly when what happened, but I know that my overall diabetes control improved in this time. It would almost have to since I went from basically falling asleep all the time to an actual human bean, ya know? I also believe I was just healed. I didn’t exactly asked for this, but I will gladly give my God credit for it.
I have to believe it was healing because there’s really no other explanation. I no longer have neuropathy in my feet or take medication for it and the plantar faciitis is almost nonexistent, comparatively.
I do believe neuropathy can improve or cease and I do believe that it is connected to better blood sugar control. As with most anything else, better control is just better. However, as someone else said, we are not all the same. What works for me may not work for you and vise versa.
(that’s one of my biggest complaints with medical professionals…their belief that one size fits all and one treatment works for all the same. Argh! But that’s another thread…