New and confused

On a recent trip to the US to visit my inlaws I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Diabetes. My sugar levels were sky high and am currently in process of still bringing them down, wavering between 230 - 330 through out the day.

How many times do you recommend testing blood a day?

Returning home to Israel on Sunday to pick up treatment and hopefully learn more about diabetes care and what I should be doing…!

I usually find that it takes 10-14/day to maintain smooth control and stay as active as I like. More when stuff gets out of whack, lik when I’m travelling! I hope you had a nice trip despite the BG situation!

I would say a good majority on here test between 8 to 10 times a day. Me personally I average probably between 6 and 8, sometimes more if Im having one of those really stubborn days. I think especially in the beginning you really should be very vigilent about testing and frequently as you learn what certain foods do to your blood sugar and as you get medication dosages adjusted.

Unfortunately with this, no ones is exactly the same and it’s a lot of trial and error in finding what works best for you. I’ve only recently discovered this site, but there is a great wealth of knowledge here and everyone is super friendly in sharing advice and offering tips and suggestions. Good luck.

You should be testing after meals, 2 hours after meals. The watchword is to eat to your meter, find out what spikes your blood sugars and eliminate that food from your diet, or cut it down in size until you can eat it.


I agree with Pastelpainter, as a Type 2, eating to your meter is the first thing you should try. Exercise is also key. The bloodsugar101 website has excellent directions on implementing an eat to your meter approach. Initially I tested before each meal and then one and two hours after, to see how my body reacted to various foods. After you learn how your body reacts, and you get your blood sugar under control, you can cut back.

Your present blood sugar levels are way too high, and this situation need to be addressed, but many here have done this, you can too!

I hope you keep in touch with us when you’re back home. For right now, you need to just do your best to keep your BGs on an even keel. I don’t know whether you are using insulin, or whether you were simply told to watch your diet so I can’t be specific as to what you should do, but limiting carbs like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and corn couldn’t hurt you and may help until you get established with a doc in Israel. Your doc there will have a better idea as to what you need, and do ask for diabetes education – there is a lot to learn and there is never any such thing as perfection. שלום וברכה

Hello Shea,

Did the doctor who diagnosed you with diabetes do either a C-peptide or an antibodies test to determine whether you are Type 1 or Type 2? If not, you should have your doctor in Israel do those tests to make sure that you have a correct diagnosis. Lots of adults who are Type 1 are misdiagnosed at first and that prevents you from getting the proper treatment.

Have a safe trip home,


Hi Shea: I agree with Maurie, it’s really important to differentiate between Type 1 diabetes (autoimmune diabetes) and Type 2 diabetes. Antibody testing (GAD, ICA, IA-2) is the gold standard test for determining if you have autoimmune diabetes, and if you have autoimmune diabetes you should be on insulin. Your blood glucose numbers are high, and it would be good to get them lower. Best of luck to you!

Thank Maurie

I was due to fly back to Israel on Sunday but now the general doc is sending me to an Endo, as my bloodsugar has not been dropping on the meds he gave me.

Hopefully today I will find out more.

Shalom and brocha to you too!

Thanks for link! This is really helpful

General doc I was seeing wasn’t happy with the rate my sugar levels were dropping so going to Endo today. I don’t understand my sugar levels at all, this morning was 210, ate a few almunds and an asian pear and it went up to 360, tested again after breakfast and was down to 260. Hopefully todays meeting will help me understand more and find meds that work for me


General doc I was seeing wasn't happy with the rate my sugar levels were dropping so going to Endo today. I don't understand my sugar levels at all, this morning was 210, ate a few almunds and an asian pear and it went up to 360, tested again after breakfast and was down to 260. Hopefully todays meeting will help me understand more and find meds that work for me


I was due to fly back to Israel on Sunday but now the general doc is sending me to an Endo, as my bloodsugar has not been dropping on the meds he gave me.

I'm glad you're seeing an endo. Be sure to ask for the additional testing needed to clarify your type.

Please read this; it also includes suggestions on testing: Getting Started

Cheers, Alan, T2, Australia
Everything in Moderation - Except laughter

Shalom Shea- The first thing you need to know is if you are a T-1 or a T-2. The treatments are different for the 2 types. Until you get home eat very few carbs, that is basically anything with sugar or starch. It is good that you are seeing an endo while you are here. You can get some tests done and some basic info to follow. The docs in Israel are great and I am sure you will find one who can help you. Stay on this site when you get home. There is a wealth of info from the members here. Good luck.

Hi Shea - I live in Israel and have had diabetes for 30 years T1 - try to test as much as possible 12 times a day . donot worry here we have great care and even i get a haredi version of the monthly diabetic magazine thru erez mizion
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