Hello friends,
I am 39 years of age and got diagnosed with type 2 in 2007, now recently my blood sugar has been going up since june 2011, so i decided to ask my family doctor to see an Endocrinologist. I also noticed that i was losing weight. I was 200lbs right before getting diabetes, now i am 162 lbs and 5'11.
When i saw the endo, she said that i might have lada 1.5 because i am very thin and i am taking more insulin, bolus:18 units and basal:18 units
She also removed metformin, glyburide and crestor out of my prescription and kept Fluvoxamine for mild anxiety and Synthroid for my hypothyroidism which began in 2004.
My HA1C% is 11
My Blood sugar spikes a lot faster now, right after a meal and i get blurry vision and dizziness at times. The worst feeling i got so far was last saturday when i went to a dinner with friends and i had 2 pints of beer before my meal. I don't know if my sugar was high or low but i felt very dizzy and i had trouble maintaining the conversation, was like a feeling of confusion and then started to feel tremors in my chest.
Since i did not have my glucometer with me, i had a few slices of bread to see if that helped, but not much. i called 911 and told them the situation and an ambulance arrived shortly to measure my vital signs and blood sugar.
i was at 11.7 mmol/L
I have to go for a c peptide test in june and blood tests to see if this new insulin and diet will work or not.
so far i have not been able to bring it down below 10 mmol/L
I am worried.
Am i damaging my kidneys and other organs?
I also am trying to go back to school to learn web programming and on monday i had to leave the class because i was feeling weird, almost like a panick attack, was right after lunch, felt like my sugar was high and my face was very warm. I also felt dizzy from reading the text on my screen. Should i just forget about programming, is it a too stressful job for someone with diabetes? I been hearing about jobs that cause stress and can make your sugar go up a lot too.
As you can see, i have a lot of questions and little answers,I feel like i have no luck in life and this disease was the cherry on top of the sunday.
Links Added by the TuDiabetes Administration
Top !0 Tips for the Newly Diagnosed
Medical Misdiagnosis of Insulin Deficient Diabetes