New Member

Hello everyone my name is Star and I am 26 years old. I have been a diabetic for 16 years I was diagnosed at the age of 10.My blood sugar was over 800 and Doctors were amazed that I was up and fine for the most part. I was completely out of control most of that time it wasnt till I got prgnant at 18 that I finally started to take care of myself. Getting pregnant was the best thing to ever happen to me it totally changed my life and I am now in complete control of my diabetes. I had my first son in 2002 and then my second son was born in 2003.It was with my second pregnancy that I finally got put on the insulin pump and feel in love. My baby was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 16 months. His Doctor said that at the time he was the youngiest child ever put on an insulin pump.He has been wounderful and takes everything like a trooper nothing bothers him and he thinks it is so cool that him and mom have diabetes. He is almost 6 now. I have learned alot from my son and strange enough was so happy I had already lived with diabetes the good and bad the ups and downs for so long befor my son was diagnosed. I wasnt scared or sad for him because I knew it would be okay.I look forward to meeting other diabetic…mothers of diabetic…and people with diabetes who were diagnosed as young as my son…I have so many questions and things to talk about…
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welcome to TuD! it’s wonderful that everything is working out for you =) i know i fell in love with my pump when i got it, too! it’s such an awesome tool! you have a beautiful family! there’s so many helpful discussions and people here. have a great week!

Welcome and I am glad you are here. You will meet some very nice and helpful people here. Have a good day.

Welcome Star!! Glad to hear you have control of your diabetes now and happy that your son is being so strong =]

Hi Star.
Love your name. It speaks so well of you as a mother, by not being scared or sad for him… you have empowered your son not to fear diabetes, that it’s just a part of life, and he can handle it. Welcome and enjoy.

Welcome!! I’m also 26 but was diagnosed at age 9. It’s so nice finding someone the same age that has been diabetic for the same number of years (or close to it)!! Only difference is is that I don’t have children yet. You seem to be an incredibly strong mother…way to go!! Once again welcome!! :slight_smile:

Hi Star,
Welcome to the group! I was diagnosed at age 7 almost 30 years ago.
Your sons are lucky to have such a great mom! Glad you’ve taken control of your life, too.
You’ll find the people here are very nice and willing to help, so ask as many questions as you want!!!


Welcome Star!!! You’re in a good place…

Welcome Star. Im T1 and only have been for a year, after the birth of my son. You are a very strong Mother with alot on your plate. This is the perfect place for you, I wouldn’t be suprised if you find a gret support system here, I know I have.

Welcome, Star. I am the official non greeter.

rick phillips
Official non greeter for 2009 Tudiabetes.
(ONG Tu)

Ok I am not really the ONG Tu, but I tried out for it last year and lost out to some buy no one knows. After all he wont greet anyone.