New to Running

I am very new to running. I used to walk a lot but since I got pregnant just over three years ago I haven't done much of that either. I'm very out of practise and out of shape.

I signed up for a half marathon next May, the Bluenose Marathon with Team Diabetes Canada, and I was wondering if anyone might have any tips, suggestions, anything at all for a new runner? I think my biggest concern for the marathon is blood sugar control. I'm afraid that my sugars will either go low during the marathon or that I will be so scared of having this happen I will let them go too high before. (I have a fear of lows). Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.

That's a good timeframe. I signed up for my first 1/2 in November and ran it in April, althoufh I did my second two week later. It was usually easier for me to lug my meter along in my jacket during the winter but I'd test and see how it goes. I found that Jelly Beans are a useful sort of quick carbs and think I do better BG-wise with like 5-10G carbs more frequently than less frequent 30G "doses"? Having a team is a great idea!

I agree that teams are great, especially when you're just getting started.
Start easy and build up. Don't worry.

Welcome to TU ...pleadse join the Canadian site as well ....hang in with me ...I tried to comment with a link to Team Diabetes Facebook ; things got funny and I deleted ...stay tuned , please ...eve walk first ...
Signed .....your Team D supporter as I have participated in 11 :) Be well !!!

A few thoughts:

Are you looking to finish or "race"? If it's the former, formulate a plan ahead of time to walk at specific points during the half and test (make sure to rinse your fingers first!).

Training for a race is about much more than just the running part - and that's doubly true for diabetics on insulin. Data will be your friend here. Test lots during training runs and learn what your BGL does at different rates of perceived exertion, what different types of carbs (gels, jelly beans, fruit snacks, etc) do for you, etc.

Do not let the 1/2 be your first race. Run a few local 5k's or 10k's with at least a few of them at your expected 1/2 marathon pace. When we race we normally release stress hormones leading up to the star which can spike us and it's better to learn to cope with that at a less challenging event.

Warning: this one is just my opinion, but many respected coaches and exercise physiologists agree. We don't improve while we're actually running; we improve by the adaptations that occur in our bodies during recovery. Many people find their recovery improves for a given weekly mileage/time by running less distance more often. For example, as a new runner you may be working toward 15 miles per week (arbitrary number, YMMV, literally). You may find better results, less fatigue, and less potential injury running 3 miles 5 times a week rather than 5 miles 3 times a week.

The most important advice: Have fun! Don't get too hung up on how many miles you need to run this week or what pace you can hold for a tempo run. Just run. Enjoy being outside. Love the endorphins.

Welcome to the club!

Running other races is a great idea too! One **big** difference for me is the whole "crack of dawn" element of races as, except for races, I *never* ran first thing in the AM. This summer, I ran with a group at 6:30 every Saturday which I eventually liked as it got the long runs over with early in the weekend. Depending on the race, there are some huge 1/2s and the whole traveling/ parking/ getting to the start situation is another element to practice.