Hello! I’m about 6 weeks into MDI after begin diagnosed earlier in the year. I had a followup with my Endo this week and he was very happy with how I’m doing.
I’ve been considering an Omnipod for the the ease of bolusing without shots, particularly when dining in public, with friends, etc, and for the ability to dose more precisely. I take 1 unit for 15 g and the ratio is working pretty well, but i find myself eating more carbs than I even want at times, because I have to get to the next increment of 15, which seems counterintuative. Plus, my insulin pen doesn’t seem to work accurately at only one unit, so dosing accurately for anything under 30g of carbs is iffy.
However, given that, things are otherwise going pretty well and my doc was really happy with my dexcom data. He says he feels like it’s not worth changing what’s working, since the results on MDI have been good. However, if I decide I want to try it, he’s ok with going that route too. He wants it to be my decision but was kinda trying to talk me out of it.
What are you guys’ thoughts on pumps for someone very new to T1D? Can most people get good results with a pump? Right now I’m not having to deal with highs from equipment malfunctions and such, so I’m a little concerned I’d be creating new problems in order to fix other problems I’ll also note I don’t have a lot of body fat - can pumps be uncomfortable at the insertion site? Can you feel it in you, or is it easy to forget it’s there? I have a Dexcom and don’t even notice it… does a pump feel similar to you or do you feel it?
I would love to just give it a try for a while and see, but it feels like a pretty big commitment and the decision is feeling overwhelming. Any thoughts?