Newly diagnosed daughter

My daughter was very recently diagnosed with type 2 (just last week). We couldn’t get an appointment with the ped. endocrinologist until the end of the month. I’m looking for any advice or help I can get until then. I got an Accu-Chek blood monitor and I’ve checked her glucose levels 3 times since yesterday. I have no idea how often I should check. I checked it 2 hours after dinner last night and it was 184. 2 hours after lunch today it was 171. Then tonight I checked it about 30 minutes after dinner and it was 303. I don’t know what I should do to try to bring it down. Any help?

Hi Janis:

When I was diagnosed with Type 2 in 5/2006, I was put on Metformin (to make my cells less resistant), and began being educated on carbohydrates (and how to leat less). I was instructed to check my blood sugar before breakfast and before dinner, and that I needed to keep my blood sugar within 80 to 120.

For the first couple of weeks my readings were still too high, over 120, before meals. My doctor then put me on Glipizide (to produce more insulin). After a few more weeks I was consistently taying within 80 to 120 beofre meals, eating healthier, and losing weight. Last month I took myself off of the Glipizide because I was waking up with readings in the 50’s and 60’s.

What medications did you doctor prescribe for your daughter? What information did he / she give you regarding her diet? Is she over weight? And, did he correctly diagnose her? I have read several cases, on this website, where one was diagnosed as being Type 2 and then later diagnosed as being Type 1.

Thanks for your reply Travis. We haven’t seen a doctor yet. Her first apt. is later this month. That’s why I’m a little concerned. I don’t know what to do between now and then. I’ve been trying to watch her diet (sugars, carbs,etc.) as best I can, but there are so many things that I’m just not sure about. She’s 8 and weighs between 70-75 pounds (she did gymnastics for the past 3 years, some of that is muscle), so I wouldn’t say she’s over weight. Her ped. said that she is the youngest case of type 2 that he has seen.

Hi Janis, bless your heart- I can’t believe they are making you wait.

I’m no doctor, but I think it’s extremely irresponsible for the endo office to put you off for almost a whole month. What you can do is keep checking after meals (I would check right before dinner,so you can do a before and after, since that meal seemed to elevate her BG the most, and then about an hour to and hour and a half aftter) and write everything (what she’s eating, how much of it, and her BG numbers) down over the weekend. If her numbers are all over the place like they were today, then call the endo office and DEMAND a visit right away. You will have data to back up why your daughter cannot wait.
I would not change anything in her diet at this point - my reasoning behind this logic is that you want the endo to see what her the trigger foods might be, and that will in turn help with meal planning in the future. Different people respond to carbs and fat differently.
Most importantly, give your daugher a hug from me. This is going to be a change, and I’m sure she’s not too jazzed about sticking her finger.
you certainly came to the right place , I hav efound wonderful support here, and I know you will too.

It’s hard for me to believe that she’s a type 2!

Can you seek a second opinion? If her sugars are running as high as 300 after meals, I would absolutely recommend that you find another doctor right away who will get you immediate education, medication, and training. There is NO REASON a doctor should make you wait, endocrinologist appointment or not. If you can’t get in to see an endo right away, you can still get help with this. If all else fails, call the ER and tell them your daughter’s numbers & ask what you should do.

Best of luck with this! I am so sorry to hear about her diagnosis, and I hope that you both find the care you need and some answers. We’ll be sending you good thoughts from Washington. :slight_smile:

I’ll also say that’s a long time to wait! My son has type 1, but we test him when he wakes up, before lunch, before dinner, before a bedtime snack, and at 2 a.m.-we also test him before/after exercise and when he just seems a bit “off”. I hope you can get in to see someone soon!

Why are they saying she has Type 2? I have never heard of an 8 year old being Type 2. Her BG numbers sound like she is not producing any insulin during the first phase (right after eating) but does produce some during the second phase, in response to the high sugars in the blood. I would bet that she is getting very high numbers after every meal because the dinner number was at half an hour, whereas the other numbers were two hours after eating. I would think if you test at 30- 60 minutes you would see those very high numbers every time. Blood sugar goes up about 5 points per gram of carbohydrate if you don’t have any insulin. It really sounds like the very beginning of Type 1 to me and it is crucial that you get some help immediately. If it is Type 1, she needs to get on insulin right away to protect her body from those high blood sugars. Get her in to see a doctor right away, and don’t accept that Type 2 diagnosis unless they explain to you why they are so sure and confirm it with lots more tests. Go to the ER if necessary, ask to see another pediatrician, or an internist. This doesn’t make any sense to me. If you want to avoid the high numbers in the meantime, she can eat lower carb food- try eggs, cheese, vegetables (except potatoes and corn), fish and meat. This is just a short term solution, children need to eat a well-rounded diet so she is going to need insulin as soon as possible. Good luck, and please keep posting your questions and concerns. We will all help as much as we can.

I would question the diagnosis of type 2 in an average size eight year old. Sometimes, if you catch type 1 early, they have in-range blood sugars mixed in with high spikes, as their pancreas begins to really lose it’s ability to produce insulin. I hope you get some answers soon!

Thanks to everyone for all of your great help! I have a call in to my pediatrician right now, and he is trying to get me in with an endo asap. So hopefully we’ll see some progress soon.

Just a quick question. I checked her this morning as soon as she got out of bed and he BG was 195. Is that still really high for first thing in the morning? It seemed high to me, but I’m not really sure on the numbers yet.

Thanks again for all of your help.

hi janis, like the rest, i am pretty surprised that your daughter is 8 and diagnosed as a type 2.

anyway 195 is a little high for mornings, but as your daughter is newly-diagnosed, i’m not shocked at all. it does take a while for sugars to stablise. when i was first diagnosed, my sugars fourth month and i’m aiming to keep it up. don’t worry too much, just get a second opinion and take it from there.

just for your information here are the ideal ranges for blood sugars.

when testing before mealtimes it’s ideal to keep blood sugars between 72-144
when testing 2 hours after food, it’s ideal to see numbers between 90-180.
for HbA1C, the ideal range is between 4-6%. but many people with pretty good control have A1Cs around 7-9% too.

Hi Janis - I don’t want to sound alarmist, but having recently been diagnosed Type 2 by my internist and then being “re-diagnosed” as Type 1 a week afterwards, it sounds like she is in the beginning stages of losing her ability to make insulin. I understand that children’s “honeymoon period” (period between when you begin to lose your insulin production capabilities but are still producing some insulin) is usually very short - on the order of days, rather than months like most adults diagnosed with Type 1. You really need to get in to the doctor this week to get some insulin for your daughter. If she is Type 1, she could go into ketoacidosis which I hear is not pretty. If she feels like she’s got the flu, you need to go to the ER immediately. My advice is to just go to the pediatrician’s office with the numbers you’ve recorded and demand that they test her for the antibodies almost always prevalent in Type 1’s. If they don’t know what you are talking about (like my internist), make them go online that instant to figure it out.

BTW - 195 is way too high. Normal values for non-diabetics in the morning should be less than 100. I usually wake up around 100 myself, but that is w/ insulin injections. She really sounds like a Type 1.

Hope some of this info helps.

  • Kim

I’m so glad to hear this! I’m glad that the ped is not digging his heels in but is moving to get your daugther some help. Keep us posted!

oops. edit needed.

my sugars were pretty insane when i was first diagnosed. it took a few weeks to get them down and control them well. i am now into my fourth month with diabetes and am doing pretty well.

You might consider getting some ketone strips and testing her urine. With those blood sugars she might be producing some ketones. Does she have the usual symptoms? Drinking lots of water, peeing a lot? You are right to be concerned.

I think a better measure of her weight is her height, not her age, my kids are on the small size, I have a ten year old girl who weighs about 50 pounds. She’s the type 1. She plays soccer, softball and is in the pool most of the rest of the time, so yes, she’s skinny. Anyway, all that is beside the point. Your daughter doesn’t sound heavy enough to be a type 2 and those BG numbers seem very high for a newly diagnosed type 2.

Let us know what the endo says once you get in. Good luck.

How do they know that she is Type 2? You need to get a second opinion. 8 year olds normally are NOT Type 2! You should check her blood before all meals/snacks. I think that you should take her to the nearest Children’s Hospital ER and I think that will admit you. You should just tell them that you checked her blood and it was 303 (or whatever her highest reading has been) and that you think she may be a Diabetic. I will be praying for you!

Where do you live? These numbers are very high - we have a wonderful group in Durban for Parents of Children with Diabetes - they are all there for each other.
Let me know where you are and I can get you to contact them.
031 205 9886/2059680/0842280993/

That is really rare that an 8 year old can have type 2.I am with the rest of the group and I would say get a second opinion.When the doctor learned that my sugars were high first they tried me on a pill.I had a blood test and they brought me back after a week to see if it went down.It didn’t so I was diagnosed as a type 1.I hope you can find answers and get her in good health again.

Dear Janis
Where do you live - we have a very active community for parents of children with Diabetes in Durban - so if you are near here please make contact with me.

What has happened since the endo appt?

Don’t know what I am doing wrong - just wanted to add that we have a very active group of Parents with Children with Diabetes in Durban, SA. I can maybe put you in touch with them and they can help.