Hi everyone. I posted about this in another fb group, so if there is some overlap, I hope you understand.
I’ve had a little mommy “spidey-sense” over my 9 year old for awhile now since my son was diagnosed. She has yet to be tested for anti bodies (we’re going to do that), and any random check I’ve done on her has been pretty normal, including a home A1c of 5.1. I wasn’t a huge fan of that number, but I know that she eats school treats (candy, cupcakes, etc.) and frequent PBJs, even though we are low carb at the house. She is very thin, about 60 pounds.
The last couple of days she has been super hungry, not for lack of food. Last night, though, she picked at dinner and went to bed. She woke up very hungry, told me she felt very shaky and quivery, and her bg was 40. She was shaking. I tested again, it was 50. I gave her glucose. She also ate low carb waffles, bacon, raspberries and greek yogurt. Still complained of hunger, so I gave her apples and PB. She also wanted a protein shake. She hung out at 65 until lunch. Lunch I gave her string cheese, popcorn, and a PBJ (she’s a picky eater)…and her bg was 83. That was 1230.
Three hours later with no more food, she is at 150.
I am trying not to be alarmed but I don’t think I am thinking straight because all I am worried about is her getting T1 like her brother…anyone have any thoughts/reassurance?
Agreed. But I’m wondering if this looks like an outlier (the low fasting bg) and/or the 150 is too high three hours after a moderately high carb meal? I would have thought at max she would have hit her peak earlier at 120ish then come back down. Am I being paranoid for nothing?
Generally diabetes doesn’t onset gradually in children… I do think it’s a little odd for their bg to read that low, but I personally wouldn’t bat an eye at a 150 for a child on a home bg meter… I doubt a doctor would take it real seriously unless they’re seeing much higher levels than that and an elevated A1C, but given the family history maybe they would consider it differently. The “hypoglycemia” without meds is sometimes considered to be a precursor to diabetes but it seems to be open to debate. Without bg lowering meds on board I highly doubt it itself is dangerous at all.
I still remember the day before my first ever fasting bg test the description from my mom, who happens to be the medical doctor who pointed me in the right direction was “if there’s a relevant problem it’ll be extremely obvious… very high, like 250+”
Of course though if you have concerns then take her in to a doctor…
But if there’s no medication causing it there’s not a lot of risk involved… they’d just tell her to eat a snack if she gets hungry. True non-mediacation induced dangerous clinical hypoglycemia is so unbelievably rare that it’s essentially unheard of
Update: I checked that 150, and it is now down 90. Going to recheck her after supper.
I don’t know what the 40 was and it really is scary to think about. She had said she was pretty hungry yesterday, didn’t eat a ton though. I immediately rechecked her at 40 and it was in the 50s…still low, so I have no clue. I wouldn’t think this is reactive hypoglycemia…it was fasting.
K Dont think you have much to worry about like I said dangerous spontaneous hypoglycemia that is not induced by medication is essentially nonexistent in the real world but if you are concerned by all means schedule an appointment with the doctor.
Your meter could very easily be off 15 points during a normal fasting blood glucose level of 65 and maybe she runs a little lower than normal but I highly doubt she is in any danger from severe hypoglycemia
That said I’m just a friend not a doctor so if you’re concerned get it checked out
In the words of my mom who is a pediatrician "I’ve been practicing medicine for 35 years and I’ve never seen it-- I don’t know anyone who’s seen it–and I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who’s seen it "
Mother’s always should pay due respect to their spidey sense. If you are feeling a bit uneasy, then for sure keep an eye on things. Regular meals and snacks should keep things fairly stable as far as lows. Kids can have lower blood sugar than adults and meters can be off by a bit, so i wouldn’t be too concerned about the ‘50’. Though do be prepared to feed her / encourage her to eat if she feels shakey.
the 150 is a bit ‘high’ particularly for a kid, but not alarming… though probably warrants watching over time… which you are already doing…
If your daughter does come down with T1 there really isn’t anything you can do to stop it. I know you worry, but you are already on top of this. You no doubt will be following her around testing her blood sugar here and there. If she does come down with diabetes you will see it in highly exaggerated blood sugars and I’m sure you will do absolutely the right thing and get her immediate care. But you also need to not press your doctors to diagnose her without the T1 being highly evident. Be careful not to run every day this week to your doctor and keep having him say they don’t see diabetes. If you cry wolf too much when you really need the doctor they may dismiss you. A strange blood sugar is guaranteed to now appear at the doctors office. A blood sugar of 250 mg/dl will.
I don’t mean to dismiss your feelings. Your worry is appropriate. We all treasure our kids. But T1 isn’t something you can stop or intervene. You need to be aware to catch it quickly, but it is kinda obvious, particularly for you who knows exactly how to detect it.
Thank you everyone. She was doing well, cruising in the low 80s all evening afterward. I don’t know what happened, but I’ll definitely keep watching her.
No one wants this for their children, but we know what to look for and we’ll do what it takes if we need to. Will keep everyone posted.
Update: I was concerned again for my non d daughter as she’s still been super hungry, eating tons of food, but with no weight gain. I wanted to do a random blood check and she acted funny—until she confessed that she’d been raiding my son’s glucose drawer and eating a TON of smarties and glucose tabs. I think 7 or eight she said. I checked her blood sugar and it was 160. Thoughts?
It’s a myth that non diabetics blood sugar doesn’t elevate when they eat carbs, particularly fast acting carbs like you just mentioned. That’s why there is a specific protocol for an oral glucose tolerance test…
There was a thread on here that stirred up some debate when a renowned researcher and doctor who does not have diabetes strapped a CGM on and remarked about how high his blood sugar spikes after eating junk food… of course everyone on here jumped to the conclusion he must have diabetes-- lol as if he couldn’t figure that out if he did.
I’d discuss your concerns with a doctor. Your kid has a relevant family history, and enroll in trialnet in which they’ll test your kid for antibodies for free-- I’d do that primarily to ease your own mind bc I know you’re worried
We got our Trialnet packets in the mail today so we will be doing that this week. We’re still in limbo with the insurance and our past bills are eating us alive, so, I need to be VERY clear before taking them to the doc, if that makes sense. Hopefully this will change soon. You’re right, I am very worried.
Do you have a link to that particular thread? I’d like to read it.
Also just food for thought, I don’t know how your insurance works but if this is going to bother you until you see a doctor you might be better off to do it at the end of the calendar year instead of early in 2017 when you might be into a new deductible.
I hope trialnet results will be helpful and reassuring
Thanks so much, Sam! Sorry to be such a freakout mom about things, but, I guess I’m just on high alert since my son was dx. Really appreciate your help/reassurance.