14:12 EDT Insulet OmniPod should be approved soon, says Barrington - Barrington believes that the FDA will approve Insulet's OmniPod insulin pump within 90 days. The firm expects the stock to outperform its peers once approval is granted and it reiterates an Outperform rating on the stock.
LOAD-DATE: November 9, 2012
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I am not recommending that anyone buy PODD, but thought I would pass along this rumor... who knows if it's true. :)
Still 90 days seems a lot, it's since this summer they gave FDA the docs required. I think it translates into "we don't have the least idea when FDA will approve us".
I was at a diabetes convention today and the rep says they're still not approved but they are gearing up to begin selling them in January. Sounds like they're very certain that approval is going to come through and we'll be getting them at the beginning of next year. She did confirm that all in warrantee will be upgraded for free!