Nighttime shakes? fake hypo

Hey all,

I’ve been diagnosed half a year ago with DKA and high A1C. Since then I was able to lower my A1C and I’m usually around 90-120 all day and night (still honeymooning).
In the beginning I had many hypos or at least I think that they are hypos - waking up at night and just shaking, where my blood sugar would be fine (120-150). I assumed that it’s my body adjusting to the high blood sugar that I had before my diagnosis and hoped for the best. The frequency of the shakes moved from once a day to once a month, but it’s still happening. Woke up today at night with bg of 100 and still had a slight shake… I’m curious anyone else had such symptoms in the beginning of their diagnose (I’m 6 months in)? Usually I see some bg trend before the shaking in the CGM, but today I was pretty stably on 90-100 the entire night before I woke up :frowning:

the other symptoms was - I woke up and felt a lot of stress / anxiety, so maybe an anxiety attack :frowning: … i hate this diabetes, I just don’t know what is related to diabetes and what is not.

I would assume not diabetes related and have a Doc check it out.


Can you post the data?

The graph isn’t interesting - it’s pretty stable on 90-100…
I’m also not on basal insulin this night… (hooneymoon)
I did take bunch of supplements that lowered my blood sugar… I usually a little bit higher than that during the night - 110-120.
I’ve also forgot to mention that in my life before diabetes it also happened once every 10 years… but twice it was because of anxiety, and once because of a very high fever.
I’ll check with my doctor why this is happening.
hopefully I don’t have anything else and it’s just anxiety or false hypo :frowning:

I only get these symptoms at 100 when I have had a dramatic decline in BG prior to reaching 100. So, If I was at 300 and took correction insulin that quickly put me back at 100, then I might get low BG symptoms. I might also get low BG symptoms at 100 when I am hungry and haven’t eaten. I get anxiety prior to a seizure that might feel similar to anxiety from rapidly declining BG numbers. I have trouble identifying the cause. Low BG can trigger anxiety. This is sometimes called “impending feelings of doom” and is a symptom of shock. You might check a manual BG and verify that you are actually 100 and not 70.

Same for me if the BG drops quickly.

Sometimes I feel shaky and confused and irritable. And I test and I’m not hypo.

In my case allergies can make me feel that way too.

But also arguments and family troubles.

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Often times it is not the blood sugar that matters so much, rather it is how rapid the low comes on that matters. I check my blood sugar for certain but if it is above my treatment level, I try to refocus and let it go. Also if you have had an extended period of high blood sugar it can be a condition not to low BS or a rapid fall in BS, rather the body adjusting.

I have had this in periods of adjustment over BS highs and it is miserable, but it is part of the adjustment period. Still I suggest as others have that talking to your docotr can be in order. I have never heard of this happening only at night. In my times I have either felt it almost every time of not at all. Unless it has been a period of rapid lowering of BS in which case even after 45 years I still have this issue.

It could be thyroid related combined with bg shifts.

I started having frequent panic attacks a short time after I developed Type 1 diabetes. I would have all the symptoms of a low, but when I tested my BG would be normal or high. Some of my most severe panic attacks happened when I was dozing or just between being asleep and awake. Getting the test results from a fingerstick BG test made the symptoms go away pretty rapidly for me. This was before CGM.
I have no idea whether what’s happening to you has anything to do with anxiety and I definitely think you should explore other possibilities. I assume you’re doing a finger stick and not just relying on CGM when you feel really low? In all likelihood your CGM is correct but it might be worth double-checking at least once in a while. And you should definitely talk to your doctor about what other explanations there might be.
So, in my case, becoming diabetic led to problems with panic. (And, if your problem is panic, it’s good to address it early I think. In my case, it took years in part because I didn’t deal with it soon or well.) Anyway, I want to emphasize that I’m not saying that what happened with me is happening with you, but that was my experience.

Well it happened again after two months … I checked with neurologist and they didn’t find a problem. Will check with my endo to see if I have hashimoto / some other theroid issue. It might be just stress / panick or some crazy strange hypo.
Yesterday went to sleep at 120 and woke up at 95 shaky again. tried to just ride it through for 20 minutes and it didn’t stop, at the end I gave up and took 4 grams of sugar. after 10 minutes I was fine and went to sleep. Super strange… it’s like my body still doesn’t want me to be under 100 at night… I did have a very long time with high blood sugar before I was diagnosed 10 months ago (probably more than a year with crazy high numbers 300+ that went to average of 105 BS imediately after diagnose)
Even at the day, I feel much better if my sugar is over 100 but my symptoms are much worse at night. I’m not taking insulin … or at least not on a regular bases for now while on LCHP.
Attaching the graph of last night if someone is curious. Added the line where I woke up… seems like a small decline at that time… but really small… strange as hell.
Ignore the Hypo at 8PM… I was running sprints and forgot that I took some bolus insulin as I usually don’t take it.