Since I have changed to the Dexcom 4, I've started having trouble making them stick the whole week plus some days. Any suggestions on what to use to help them last? Thank you!
Hi Joanna,
I put IV Prep on my skin under the sensor. I wait till it is tacky (about 30 sec.). Then I put a IV 3000 patch (with a cut out for the sensor) over the sensor & pad. This works really well for me.
Hope this helps.
I cut IV3000 into strips and put them on the white adhesive so that they overlap onto my skin, but not on the transmitter. It works very well for me. Some people use Tegaderm, but I'm allergic to it.
Opsite Flexifix I use it around the sensor, the current one I have on has been there since 2/21 without any peeling. I swim every day and spend at least an hour in the pool and have had not problems with the adhesive. But a few people on here have mentioned that the adhesive did not work for them and they discovered it was a bad batch of sensors. But so far I have not had any sensor fail to stick. This is the cheapest place I have found to purchase the Opsite tape.
I don’t know about anyone else but I have found that mine stick best when I put a new one on right after I shower, when my skin is cleanest. Last time I tried when it wasn’t right after a shower it was peeling off after like day 2.
We use Optiflex and buy it from Amazon; works great. Good Luck!
I had the same problem, so my nurse recommended Skin-Tac:
Just make sure not to get any on the sensor, I point to where the sensor will be and then wipe around my finger with my other hand. Then (after letting the Skin-Tac dry :-) I place the G4 down making sure the sensor isn't on the tacky area, which isn't too hard because the tacky surface is all shiny.
And then Uni-Solve to get rid of it.
It works pretty well, but the top begins to slowly peel after about a week, so I use skin-tac again on top of it.
You're right -- clean is best. Another option, when you can't change right after your shower, like when you go camping or something, is to use an alcohol wipe. Alcohol, contrary to popular opinion, does NOT particularly get rid of germs, but it is a wonderful solvent, and removes the oil from your skin. So you get the same effect. :-)
Thank you so much for the great advice everyone!
I put the Opsite Flexifix right over the sensor and tape it down on each side. I don't know why some say keep tape off the sensor. I don't see that it affects my readings. At least as far as I know. Is there any scientific reason not to tape the sensor? I do leave the end untaped. Where it is snapped in by the plastic tab.
My first G4 sensor did not stick well at all. Since then I have be very careful to wipe my skin thoroughly with an alcohol swab before I apply the sensor. I also press the adhesive web down firmly and completely by rubbing it. After my first fail, I used IV3000 to build a support system. I forgot one time after several weeks (I think I was not a home and out of my routine). I expected that sensor to fall off after just a couple of days, but it lasted until day 7. Because my insurance pays 100% for my sensors after my annual deductable, I change my sensor every 7 days, except after the first one which fell off on day 2. I made the second sensor last 12 - 14 days.
My insurance company also covers the Dexcom 100% without a deductible. But I do not change the sensor every 7 days mostly because I find it gets more accurate the longer I wear it. Usually the second week of a sensor is much closer to my meter than the first. Also for me there is very little real estate on which to place the sensor and once I have found a good, comfortable spot, I am loathe to replace it any sooner than in necessary. As a result I currently have an inventory of 13 sensors in the closet, the sensor on my arm is on day 13 and I use Opsite all around the sensor from the beginning and just cut a small hole out for the transmitter. I swim just about every day too and have not had the white adhesive even begin to peel or pull up, just the opsite around the edges, which I trim and reapply as needed. I hope you got Dexcom to replace the sensor that fell off regardless of who paid for it.
Alcohol to clean prior to insertion, make sure skin totally dry, insert, soak sensor tape with skin tac (after insertion), set (dry) with blow dryer low heat for 20 to 30 sec. Mastisol applied with q-tip should edges begin to peel. Currently on day 19 with no problems and usually have to pry it off when it finally fails with Uni-Solve. Good luck!
We use Hypafix tape. I cut 4 strips and cover the Dex adhesive on all 4 sides. The hypafix sticks well, breathes and doesn't irritate his skin.
Hi Joanna - I agree with @metheniac! Check out my newest solution!
Thank you all so much for the advice! I started using Skin Tac and it is Amazing!!!
I used to use only Skin Tac, but the ends would always start peeling after a week.
I found some cheap Hypafix tape on amazon and do exactly what you mentioned above and now I've gotten 3 weeks out of my G4! :-)
What I do now:
I use an alcohol wipe to clean the area.
Then Skin Tac, and to make sure not to get any on the sensor I point to where the sensor will be and then wipe around my finger with my other hand.
hen, after letting the Skin-Tac dry, I place the G4 down making sure the sensor isn't on the tacky area (which isn't too hard because the tacky surface is all shiny).
After I insert, I add Skin Tac on top of the adhesive, let it dry, then place the four small pieces of Hypafix on top of that!
When it's time to get everything off (after >2 weeks :-) I use Uni-Solve to peel everything off slowly with no pain/irritation!
Another vote for the Skin-Tac. It’s basically IV prep on steroids, if prep isn’t working this takes it to the next level. Don’t get either on the insertion site. Then I fold an IV3000 in half and cut a hole about the size of the base in the middle (I tore up an old sensor as a guide at first, but I do it by sight now) and use it to cover the white adhesive stuff. Don’t peel either of the frames off until it’s on you. It keeps the edges from peeling up which to me seems the key. I think the extra support also keeps it from coming loose. When I work out and sweat it seems I replace the IV3000 every 1 to 5 days I guess. I also trim the edges off the Dexcom adhesive taking a bit off the longer ends so the IV3000 has a better bite on my skin.