yesterday I noticed that it felt like I had something between my toes and thought it might have just been a loose thread on my sock. This morning I realized the feeling was still there so I checked it out. My toes look fine, no weird toe nail or anything between my toes. I did notice that one side of my 3rd toe is completely numb. My second toe can feel it, which gives me the feeling that there is something stuck between my toes.
I made an appointment for next week with my endo, so hopefully I will get some answers then, but I wanted to see if any of you have experience/advice with this.
Background: I am going on 11 yrs T1. Pump and cgm for the past 2 years. A1cs have ranged from 5-7.5 for past 2 yrs but were very high before that. I also just had a baby a month ago, further complicating my situation since I'm not sure if this could be related to that.