Off the Omni Pod Looking for a new pump, need recommendations please


I was on the Omni Pod for over a year when I developed an allgery for the adhesive, I've been back to doing injections for the past few months, my doctor wants me to go back on a pump. I don't want to go on a tube pump but I don't have a choice, so I need some recommendations from pump users as to what pumps I should look into, I'd really appreciate the input.



I don't know much about other pump bc I've only been on a tube pump myself. I really love it tho. I was really nervous about starting it and didn't like the idea of a tube being on me all the time but it's really not bad I swear. You can take it off from time to time like to take a shower or go swimming and I like that. I think with the Omni Pod you use a remote RIGHT? Well with the minimed pump I use all your stuff is right there on your pump and you can hind it very easily most people don't even know I wear and insulin pump I always tuck the tubing in my pants. Well good luck and I hope you find what your are looking for and something that works well for you :)


I really like my minimed, I have had one for seven years, it works well and is about as good as any other. I don't have a good adhesive cure, I know my skin gets uncomfortable after about three days, but with good rotation and using cerve' it works out ok. But that is just me, we are all different.

I do know there is tubless pump on the market, have you thought of looking into it ?

rick phillips

I did not go with the Omni Pod because I was afraid that I might be allergic to the adhesive. I have to change out my infusion set every two days because of my allergies to the adhesives. It is no big deal if you are on a tubed pump. I only have to change out the tubing and the infusion set and away I go.

I did an internet search and then contacted all of the pump companies. Each of the pump companies sent out a rep and I based my choice on that. I am already looking into what features that I want on my new pump and I still have a year to go on my warranty. Good luck with your new pump.

I have liked my MM a lot, although I haven't had any experience of other brands. The CGM adhesive seems to bother my skin a bit, leaving a raised/ itchy area after 6 days of use? I thought it was 'dry' and 'needed lotion' but MrsAcidRock said 'you need Neosporin' and that seems to work better. That might also be caused by the tape I use, which doesn't seem to breathe much? I take mine off to go swimming (which seems to kill my BG anyway, perhaps b/c I get paranoid I took the pump off and swim laps?). I also got soaked in a downpour when I went running once and the pump was no worse for the wear. It also survived 2x bicycle accidents and 2 years of friday night "Mastery Classes" at the Tae Kwon Do school I attended which were good for losing 4-5 lbs of sweat not to mention occasional falls, etc.

Sometimes it seems like the data the CGM/ pump provide is a bit simplistic? When I had the CGM startup, the SalesNurse used a "pro" version that looked much slicker, more data points, etc. I guess it has what you need but it pales by comparison to the fluidity with which, for example, one can manage one's fantasy baseball team? To me, if you have the numbers, it should be available in some sort of sortable/ searchable spreadsheet or at least exportable to some commonly used spreadsheet program that would allow you to 'attack' your data more effectively than printing it off and circling the off numbers like your doctor will likely do? If you do manage to get your hands on them, I would recommend having them walk you through their software too, to see if there's an advantage to be gained there?

I recently switched from Medtronic to Animas. Both are good pumps but Minimed doesn't have a very good remote so I switched to the Ping. I bolus from the remote probably 99% of the time.

I would suggest you contact the reps and look at both pumps. In my opinion Minimed has better data management but Animas has louder alarms and screen visibility is better.

Do you mean the raw Minimed CGM sensor data?

You can export all that data (and a lot more) in raw form including every one of the ISIG values, the computed BG value, ratio, every BG reading entered, every alert, alarm, and other event. The amount of data is amazing.

It all imports directly into Excel or any spreadsheet or DB app you may want to use.

Thanks Jamie, I really appreciate it, Its much easier to hear that a tube pump is not as bad as I thought!

Thank you all for the input! I wrote down the names of all the pumps you listed and will be doing some research, I really want a pump that will be with me for years unlike my Omni Pod. So the input was really appreciated!!