Oh god, really? general rant

last week i went to the endo. for nothing, basically, but im keeping my appointments and going, even if its just to say that yes, the half unit pen is working fine, etc.
no, i cant have a pump, no, i cant have any more than the three test strips i get per day. thank god for my ma, who sends me cheap strips for my relion meter.
i arrive at the swimming pool late and ■■■■■ about the crappy medical system in spain-only crappy cuz i cant have what i want/need to take care of myself like i want to without spending more cash on this rubbish disease.
i never ■■■■■ to my friends about t1. i test in front of them. i shoot up in front them. i make surprised faces when i see a number on a meter im not expecting. they know if we go out to eat i dont pig out on bread or pasta if i want desert. they have never had to help me out in a serious hypo situation because ive never had one. never had to call an ambulance for me. never had to do anything for me with regards to my diabetes. maybe hold a book and a bottle of water while i rifle through my bag for a syringe, at most. yet, they take it upon themselves to do things that concern my diabetes that makes me want to stab them in their eyes with pencils, forks, earrings, a corkscrew, whatever is handy.
why is it that people think that because they know i have diabetes think its ok to ask what my number is when i test? what is that? since my bitching session at the pool, my friend has asked me three times in two days what my numbers are when im testing. i didnt answere tonite, as we were about to order food at a restaurant, and just answered a question directed at me by someone else. yesterday i gave tight-lipped "good"s. those are my numbers.
i ordered cheesecake for desert. another friend told her partner, WHO I JUST MET TONIGHT, emily has diabetes. we have to watch her. what is that? what is that? you have to watch me? watch me do what?!? these are professional women that have brains and they are just driving me crazy! i just met this person. i tested discretely at the table and he didnt even notice. he was looking at the menu, etc.
really? if hed noticed and asked, no problem, id have told him. but he didnt! nobody has to announce it! nobody has to tell a complete stranger about my pancreas! i am raging right now. and probably high from that stupid cheesecake.

Your rant reminds me of the Diabetes Etiquette Cards for people who don't have diabetes:


Spanish translation not for download:

For parents of teens:

thanks holger! i dread the awkward convo im going to have to have with these people if they dont stop. the way they feel like they can tell people about my diabetes is infuriating. and as im sitting right there. uugh.

I hate it when my grandma talks about my diabetes on the phone and tells people I can literally eat nothing . I would say my diet isn't as loose as some people I've met with t1d, but I do eat what I want and only eat what I'm comfortable with out of that. So I kinda feel you on this one , always someone to blab and get things wrong. Granted, I complain about my diabetes a lot and my friends get kinda used to it.

I've never really had any reason to tell my friends to watch out for me either, other than if I go to anime conventions. I know my blood sugar goes lower than usual at those due to the amount of walking and running I do to keep up with other people , so I tend to warn people if I start acting drunk (because my hypoglycemic episodes are no different than when I'm drunk I get unusually social and annoying and laugh at everything ever) to make me get a snack. So far it's never been necessary , but I'll use more test strips and everything then so I'm usually on it before I have any hypo symptoms.

oooh, i really enjoy those drunken lows, they hardly ever happen to me, i get the shaky, sweaty ones usually!