Me new. Only about a month. I am a Type 2 and take Metformin (500 2x)
I am finally getting the hang of how to do the carbs on this diet thanks to everyone here and a diabetes class. I am now working on the fat and protein stuff. I don't really need to lose a bunch of weigh (just on my tummy) as I am not oveweight but I am staying on the low fat side until I get rid of my what I call "burrito rolls". :)
According to calculator, I need 69 grams of protein and I forget how much fat (but i never eat that much fat anyhow being a vegetarian.) - my question is that i know I have to spread out my carbs throughout the day - not too much at one meal etc - do I do the same with the amount of protein and fats I eat for a day? Or does it not matter in relation to sugar levels etc?
My sugars are doing very well with the meals I have now. But being a perfectionist, I will have to fine tune this sucker until its perfect (for the most part) and I won't stop until it is right. (just the way I am). And once I do it will probably all be put into a program so I can compare. ha ha.
Do I need to make sure I have some amount of protein and some amount of fat for each meal and snack? Currently I am not doing much snacks as I am not hungry in between my meals but I may soon.
I know it seems like a basic question but I never looked at stuff like this before so it is new to me.