Omnipod for newly diagnosed

I am 25 years old and was diagnosed two months ago. I am still honeymooning and am only using 6 to 10 units a day. I was approved for omnipod through insurance. Does anyone have experience using it during the honeymoon? I know it will be difficult because my needs are going to be ever changing but I like the fact that I can fine tune every dosage instead of dealing with whole units or at best half units. Obviously I’ll be throwing 30 units of insulin about every pod, just wondering if irbid worth it and advantageous.

When working, the OmniPod is an amazing and powerful thing. I guess it all goes down to how much your insurance covers and how much you are paying for pods/insulin. I get two vials of insulin "free" no copay but my pods are only covered at 70% so I pay around $280 every three months for new ones. Honestly, for me at least, I'm glad I started with MDI (shots) first because it helped me learn carb counting and my own body as it adjusted to such a change. I don't know how I would have dealt jumping into a pump when I was first diagnosed.

However it may totally work for you and if your pump is completely covered and you think you understand the main idea of carb couting, bolus, basal, and all the little things, you should do it.

But again, the OmniPod is amazing when working. And don't get my wrong, it works most of the time. I went 6 months without any errors at all from Omnipod. But the last two months I've been having pod errors. I went to DC on vacation for 5 days but brought along 5 pumps just in case (that's a lot extra) and all of them pooped out on me. Errored.

Luckily, insulet is very good about replacing them and sending new ones overnight.

Feel free to message me with any questions or concerns as well. I was newly diagnosed about a year and a half ago at 19/20 and I can help you with anything you may have questions on!

Would agree with the last person that if you understand the carb counting bolusing with a pump does make it easier. I struggled with shots like you with getting the right amount as I'm insulin sensative so I don't need much. I used pediatric syringes to make it easier for my bolus amounts. If you are in your honeymoon stage you will have to keep some good records and adjust but when I first went on the pod I would see my trainer every week and go over log books and make adjustments which was helpful until I felt comforatble to make some adjustments on my own. Not sure if you are using a basal insulin to cover as that will also be counted in your total insulin use. I fill my pods with the miniumum insulin each time I usually have about 10 units or less left when I change. For me I waited 2 yrs before I went on the Pod as I just wasn't ready for to go on a pump, but after I did I wish I would have done it sooner as it managing my life much easier. Good Luck~Schmutz

I would have loved to have had something like an Omnipod when I was honeymooning.

Unfortunately, the minimum amount of insulin you can use in the resevoir is around 80 units. You might be able to recover some of the insulin after the Omnipod expires, but that's not recommended and you won't be able to recover the full amount left-over anyway.

Yeah, I know that will be a drawback. I’m just really struggling right now to stay consistent. I felt being able to fine tune my bolus and basal would keep me from going into a low. I am well up in the “know” of carb counting and all that, I’m just struggling to figure out my insulin to carb ratio because of fluctuation. I’m getting my gcm this week, pods by end of the month, so hopefully by the time I start the pods I will have a lot better understanding of what and how different things are affecting me.

CGM I should say… Another question do you guys use something to help the pods/cgm stay in place? I have heard Skin Tac is very good, didn’t know if there were better ways than others to keep them in place. Also, does anyone’s insurance cover such products?

Flexifix tape has been great for us - nothing else kept the pod on when my daughter was in camp last year - we have a lot less errors when we are using it consistently(less kinks and knocking off). The only problem with it is it is hard to take off - even with unisolve.

Get it dude. I was diagnosed at 32 and started out with syringes, but have been using the pod for the past 2 years. Back of the arms and use a basketball sleeve when you jog, play soccer, or need the pod to stay in place. Check out my pics, it's worked great so far. The honeymoon phase will quickly end and you'll have to increase basal and bolus by quite a bit. Do yourself a favor and learn to carb count really quick, early upon the diagnosis.

Hey. if dumping half the insulin you load into a pod is something you can handle, then the increased functionality of a pod will help. Being able to extend a bolus, dose at 0.05u level, and have finer control over your basals will all give you more flexibility. That ain't a bad trade-off if you canswing it.

I know you said you were playing arena football so hopefully you are establishing a daily, somewhat predictable, routine along with predictable meals. I know that sounds absolutely horrible but back when I was honeymooning and training, those were my best tools to fight the rollercoasters.

The lows were absolutely the worst because of the hypersensitivity to the effects. BGs in the 60s had me balled up fetal on my bed, shaking in a pool of sweat.

The hypersensitiviy dissipates in time, though, but you could be honeymooning for a couple of years which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It does become more manageable though, so hang in there.

my daughter kennedy age 11 was diagnosed last june, 30 to be exact, she started on omnipod in october as soon as we could get our endo to write for it, and it took three months to get used to and troubleshoot, weinitially saw a rise in ac1 in january, from 7.2 to 7.4, but looking back on it, her basals were too low and we were late to adjust because our software setiup was not right yet, she is now at 7.1 and much happier off the shots, she was on 15 u a day back in october and is now on 18 units a day, 30 kilo kid so still considered honeymoon. With omnipod she can eat what she wants and dose 1.75 units, whereas with shots she's have to eat exactly x carbs to make the insulin round off right with the pen. don't worry about throwing away insulin... it won't cost you that much more. Best of luck and go for it once you are comfortable with carb counting!!

dr hodge
blogging at

Thanks man, I appreciate the advice. I have a very good co pay on insulin, so I’m with you, I think it will benefit me. I still am going to stay semi carb conscious, probably strive for an average of 60 carbs a day. It’s crazy how pre-diagnosis as collegiate athletes they tell us carbs carbs carbs! I bet I was taking in 150 a meal! So 60 feels like I’m on an Atkins diet, but then I read about people only eating 100 carbs in a day. How do you get energy from doing that? Just seems crazy to me.

So I guess the pods for me isn’t necessarily for being able to eat whatever I want, I like the fact I can change my basal when necessary and not have to rely so heavily on snacks and correction bolus if I have an impromptu workout or my regularly scheduled workout had to be cancelled. I hope the pods work because I don’t know if I can handle tubes. If these don’t work and mdi isn’t much better though, I guess we’ll all do whatever it takes for our families.

Thank you Dr. Hodge! One question, if I have apps that will tell me exactly the carb count in a particular food, restaurant or otherwise, does that take the place of carb counting? Obviously I will learn it for situations when I can’t find a food, but I have been using Myfitness pal and very rarely can I not find my entire meal’s nutritional contents.

I would recommend the pod for nearly anyone over shots. The basal delivery is much closer to what your pancreas does. The slow-acting insulin that is used for basal dosages is not nearly as exact as a constant flow of fast-acting insulin. That, alone, would be enough to convince me. Add in the convenience of bolusing anywhere you like (I do it at the table in restaurants all the time) and the greater flexibility of bolusing, and if the finances are not an issue, it's a no-brainer.

You are so right, Jim, about the basal delivery being so much better than with injections. I just started with OmniPod yesterday and I was *amazed* at the flat lines that I got immediately thereafter! I was like so that's how people get those flat lines! Of course, my settings still need some tweaking but I'm in awe and so happy.

Yeah, it's a pretty awesome feeling when your dosing is dialed in. Just be prepared to make lot's of tweaks depending upon the situation, time of day, season, temperature, number of petals on the nearest flower...

The flip side to having that much control and precision when it comes to dosing is that any change at all in your underlying insulin requirements for whatever reason, throws your control off. At one point, I realized that I had worked out 10 different basal programs depending upon the site, anticipated activity level, and a bunch of other factors. I started working on a chart to include IC ratios when I just had to stop myself and get a grip.

I still use a couple of different basal programs, have a couple of different settings for IC ratios depending upon the time of day, and may punch in a temp basal setting on the fly, but if I have a run of a few days where it's nt quite where I like it to be, I'll just ride it out.

Everyone's situation is different, of course, but for me, your earlier approach would be overthinking it. I have two different basal rates. Bolusing is more of an art, of course, but if you're not sure, just check your BG more often. I don't try for perfect, just darned good.

Yeah, more of a case of OCDiabetes I think. At last count, I'm BG testing at a rate of 20 times/day.

I had a new toy, and I had to play with it. Call it a rebound from having absolutely no control over basal rate with MDI. I've learned my lesson.

I do have 4 different rates for the two programs I switch between though, as well as two different IC ratios and two different correction factors. Those do work very well for me without being too obsessive. I know I'll never be prefect, but the ability to have control with that kind of detail is available so I might as well use it.

Hi Ben. Can't relate to the honeymoon part as that was a long time ago for me. 1962. I can share my what works for me as far as keeping the pods on as I knock them off often. Or should say used to. I keep preaching the benefits of Cavilon as an adheisive barrier and Kinesio Tape as a bullet proof way to keep them attached. Note, if you use this tape be sure to not full the tape just smooth it down as it will pull as it was designed to. Love the pod system and wish you well.

Yeah a lot of the athletes at my college used that tape. Was skeptical about the “magic” powers it supposedly had, but some guys swore by it. I just don’t know how much I want to tape down something that is already taped down. I think, obviously this is just speculation as I have never wore it before, that I would rather go with some type of skin prep like Skin Tac, then for added protection get some type of bands like on just for that extra security. Not sure if anyone does this or not, just thought it would be a pretty good setup.

Ok, so I just received the call that the Omnipod is on it’s way.

My question is, I am starting Dexcom today. Do you recommend getting my basal rates and everything fine tuned the best using the Dexcom before switching to the pod, or just make the switch and adjust then. Is there any advantage to getting a good basal rate on the shots to figure out what the starting basal rate should be on the pump. Please keep in mind also that I am honeymooning, therefore my rates will not be as consistent as a regular type 1.

This leads me to believe that since it probably will be impossible to establish a true basal rate and I:C ratio, that I should just dive in to the pod and see what happens, but that is an intimidating thought as well. Is there a good, safe way to get a starting basal rate?