Omnipod pros and cons?

This is something new(er). I have called them with several failed pods and they sent me replacement pods, but were never able to do anything about the insulin I lost, which was considerable as a few times it was within a few hours of starting a new pod. I’m happy to hear this has changed. Since I have changed site locations and no longer bolus from the pod (knocking on wood so the gremlins don’t hear me say this), I haven’t had any pod failures!

I agree!

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My only reason for getting the Omnipod was better absorption. With an Omnipod you can use parts of our body that you´ve never used before. The Omnipod really saves my health and mental health every day. I´ve used pumps since 1990 and really needed more “real estate”.


Exactly why I tried it, and I love it!

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You can take the insulin out of the failed pod and put it in the new one. Yes, I know it goes against the “rules” they tell you. But if the insulin has only been in there a short time, it’s really no big deal. Just put in a syringe, suck the insulin out, and put it in the new one.

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Thanks, @Eric2 I did try that a few times, but wasn’t as successful as I had hoped. It was early on with using OmniPod (my first and only pump brand), so perhaps now that I’m more, let’s say confident, I might have better success! Thank you again!

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I think it is much easier with a real insulin syringe instead of that goofy syringe thingy that they give you in the pod pack! :grinning:

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@Eric2 That could make all the difference! I’m sure I had used the syringe that came with it, when I first tried. If I ever have to do it again, I’ll try with a regular syringe! Thank you for the suggestion!

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To go even one step further in the rule-breaking, I actually load it with a regular syringe too! I use a 100 unit syringe. It’s easier to see the exact unit markings and it’s easier to remove the air bubbles.

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My 8 year old uses the Omnipod and all of us love it. It is great because of no tubes. We had a failed pump on Friday. We called tech support and I expected a Dexcom wait but there wasn’t one at all I was instantly transfered to a rep. They asked for the “fail code” which was displayed on the PDM. While I was on the phone my wife changed out the pod and we were back in business before my call was even over. Then they asked for the SN on the pod and shipped me a free one.

We really have no complaints about it at all. It has been a blessing and we’ve had 2 nights in a row of uninterrupted sleep.

She is up to around 23 units a day. She enjoys changing them out every 3 days thanks to Pump Peelz. We have a ton of stickers and have them already made up and she picks the one she wants. The stickers are reusable so I won’t need any for a while but I am going to order some of the Christmas ones when it gets close to the season. One of her Peelz says “This is my insulin pump”. I heard a kid ask her one evening “Hey what is that on your arm?” and she said “Read it!”.