What a day. Today at work I was walking into someone's office and the pod clipped the door frame. I didn't hit it that hard when it started screaming. I called Insulet and the lady told me to replace the pod. I asked about getting this one replaced and she told me that if I had worn it for 24 hours or more, no dice. If they ask, you just put it on is the lesson I walked away with from that bit of conversation.
I had two extra pods with me. So I tried inserting the replacement. The cannula didn't go in. They want the lot numbers off the individual pods that they will take back. Now I've got two of 'em.
Not sure I'm all that pleased with the "you wore it for 24 hours or more" condition. I was at work, it wasn't like I was swinging from a chandelier or anything.
SF Pete-
Hello! I am sorry to hear about the issues you’re having getting replacement pods. I replacement policy use to be easier but not so much anymore. I haven’t heard about the 24 hour wear policy yet…
wow man, sorry to hear about that! First, kudos to you for having two more pods on you at work! I NEVER have the presence of mind to bring extra pods with me in the morning. The doorframe thing happens to me more often than I care to admit…I am a true Klutz. (I’m not calling you a klutz, these things happen). The 24 hour thing is new to me as well, and I will also bear that in mind next time I call! I actually had an incident just two days ago and they didnt ask any questions about how long the pod had been on me (I was on my second day) just the usual questions about the temperature of the insulin, the experation date of the insulin, no other questions (it was strange b/c the pod just started screaming oujt of nowheree)(thank goodness I wasnt anywhere in public)(It was NOT an ooclusion or anything the PDM reported) they just went ahead and sent a new pod. It seems to be that way with insulet, depends on the rep and the kind of day they are having! I just always make sure I am not angry on the phone (even though sometimes I am good and pissed!)
I am a bit of a klutz. The reason I didn’t go with a traditional pump is because I knew I would be ripping out an infusion set twice a day. The first pod I had on I was rapping on doorjambs now and again and no problem. I wasn’t moving all that fast either. The PDM didn’t show any problem. I was as pleasant as I could be, though I did note a chill in my voice when she told me that it was longer than 24 hours so no replacement. I’m a little bit mad about the pod quitting early and not being replaced. I actually had two fail yesterday. I’m about ready to call back to give them the lot numbers and then let them have it for bad manufacturing. I’m not incredibly athletic and I work in an office. I’m not hard on the equipment. I may still. The more I think about it the more irked I get. For what they are making off of me, they can afford to take a little shot of the rancid.
Hear Hear! I’m with YOU, man!
You learn something new every day. 
Hey man…I see that you are also a 30 year + veteran, so am I (hard to tell by my photo, I understand). You dont look old enough, at what age were you diagnosed?
I recently had a pod die for no apparent reason on day two. When I called it in, the rep told me she couldn’t replace it because I had been using it more than two days.
I swear I’m saying this all the time, lately. I truly believe it depends on whom you reach and what kind of day they are having at Inlulet. I personally have had a pod die on me during day 2 within the past week, and they were more than happy to replace the pod, “when my next shipment was scheduled.” I have also had the complete denial, when a pod died and there was no explanation whatsoever. No “occlusion”, nothing…just started screaming. Still, the rep told me they “cannot replace pods like they used to.” What can we do? I hope there will be a competitor soon, and there is one scheduled to be available in 2012 (The Solo, by Medingo, check it out at solo4you.com)