Thought I'd add more to the conversation detailing my experience. First a little background:
Me - I'm a 38 year old male, been Type 1 for 25 years, and been using a pump for 8 years.
Diabetes Control - Since starting the pump I've had extremely tight control, usually with an A1c between 5.5 - 5.7. Over the last two years I've increasingly had issues with absorption of my insulin. I don't blame the insulin or the pump, it is a problem at the insertion sight. Increasingly I'll be high, bolus, and nothing will happen. When high, I don't eat until my sugar drops. While my last A1C was 6.0, this came at the expense of essentially giving up eating breakfast, and dealing with the above issues. I change my insertion sites on average every day to day and a half. There's nothing more frustrating than having hyper events that refuse to go away after multiple boluses, and the waiting between each bolus to see if they work.
I recently had a mechanical issue with my pump and had to go back to shots for 5 days. In many ways it was fantastic. I could take a corrective bolus, and it ALWAYS worked! This was a refreshing alternative to the absorption issues I've been dealing with from the pump, and made me strongly consider a pump alternative. Now, suddenly, Afreeza is available.
Motivations to Try Afreeza - They are threefold:
1. An alternative means of delivery that will hopefully alleviate pump related absorption issues.
2. Reduction of hypo events
3. Reduction of hyper events
The Test - I picked up a 10 day free sample today from my endo's office. I am going to fully disconnect from the pump, relying on a twice daily shot of lantus for my basals. This will be interesting as my pump basal rates vary significantly throughout the day. I'm also curious to see what happens with minor corrections. I will bolus if my bg gets to 120 or 130. The Afreeza units I have are all 4 unit cartridges, so I'm not sure how that will play out.
I start tonight at dinner and will post updates as the day goes along. Thanks to mikep, dave, and all the rest for starting these threads and sharing so much useful information.