Paying for test strips

Every time I deal with my mail order company I hang up the phone in frustration. Are they my best option for getting the most for my money when it comes to test strips? Is there something I’m missing? I would love to drop them and buy my strips from a better functioning business…any thoughts? (I have insurance). Please help! I would love to fire my mail order company!

This was posted in the OmniPod forum Savings on freestyle test strips

I use to get my test strips through my mail order pharmacy. My first Express Scripts I hated, complained to my insurance company on every order, they ended up dropping the contract with them. I then discovered I could go through a medical goods supplier and instead of paying my prescription rate I got them at my 80% medical coverage. I use Byram Healthcare I think I could get them through Edgepark too. I would check with you insurance company.

I am guessing you are in the US. You do not say what meter you have, but I have just been in San Francisco - just got back about 2 days ago) and trawled the pharmacies over there for different things and noticed that on the whole testing strips were widely available and far cheaper than they would be in the UK had I chosen to buy them. Of course, we use a different measure to yours, but if you were to check out Walgreens and see what meters and strips they have you could change your meter if necessary and go with the strips that are available.
I understand your frustration! In the UK we have so little in the way of diabetes aids and that is why I was looking at Walgreens and CVS. You have so much available in the shops, I was like the proverbial kid in the sweet shop!