PDM communication error with pod

Probably 3 times in the last week the PDM has given a msg when I hit “confirm” on a bolus that there is a communication error with the pod and to move the PDM closer but I already have the PDM w/in 2 inches of the pod or less. I hit “retry” when it allows me and then I have no trouble. Batteries are not low. Is this something I should be concerned about?

The only time that happens to me is when I have the PDM on the counter and the pod is on the lower half of my body. I have to hold the PDM right in front of the pod. If there’s no interference, like a countertop or other object I’d call Insulet to see what’s going on.

Try not to have it right against the pod either. Maybe 8-12 in away.

That is weird, we have had this same thing happen a handful of times within the past couple of months as well. Batteries are fine, PDM is literally less than an inch away from pod. Hmmmmm.

Again, try NOT to have the PDM right against the pod. The antennas fields can interfere with each other. Try placing them several inches apart. I know that “Move the PDM closer to the pod” is very vague, but what it’s trying to say is “decrease the distance from feet to inches”. I had this interference happen to me a lot during development.

This is not an unusual experience for us. Insulet has told me that sometimes there are radio frequency interferences and that my daughter just needs to move to a different area of the house. For some reason, this happens most frequently in our family room. From experience, she always goes into her room to initiate the pump, since she has never had any interference messages there. The good news is this type of thing has never caused a pod failure and a simple change of location has always restored communication.


Yes, that also matters. The family room probably has too many electronic equipment such as TV, home theater, game consoles, etc, etc.

I have had this happen too, but I have not been able to see a pattern of why.

Based on what Gil posted, Maybe my CGM (Dexcom) or my cell phone is interferring with my PDM.

well, I just got our PDM replaced. We had been on vacation for 9 days (3 nonconsecutive spent at Disneyland) and the last 3-4 days the PDM really started acting up. Consistently searching for connection with the pod, turning on and off by itself sometimes 10 min after it shut off, alerting us we did not have a test strip inserted when that wasn’t even our intention, and while I was on the phone with Insulet it showed half battery power, turned off and on and then showed no battery power. They asked what batteries I was using and I looked and told them regular Energizer and they said I should use Energizer MAX. I asked if using the reg Energizer was what caused this problem and they said “no, we just see this problem a lot with people who use batteries other than the Energizer MAX but we cannot dictate what type of batteries people buy or use”. Well, when I got home I looked at the battery package and the package actually says MAX on it but the batteries do not so I was using MAX the whole time. When I got the replacement PDM the batteries inside said Energizer Industrial. Sometimes I feel like I get the runaround from Insulet and they are just feeding me a line of crap. Well, Sophia’s blood sugars where very high the last 3-4 days of our vacation and very hard to bring down. We were struggling and she’s walking around with 250+ bg everyday! The last day she was over 400 four hours after breakfast and I mentioned the PDM to others in our group who also stated they had noticed the same things. I called Insulet as above and put in a new set of batteries at that time, gave her a correction and w/in one hour she was in normal range and I was literally feeding her glucose tabs all the way home on the plane!!! New PDM arrived at our home the next morning and her bg has been GREAT since switching. I’m thinking the batteries were not connecting with the little metal connectors inside the battery compartment. Maybe they need to make that a little tighter…

I have this issue alot. I called the company and they had nothing on it that would help. I think it is just a move it around until it registers. www.thediabeticcamper.blogspot.com