At 6:30 this morning I was in the process of changing my Pod. After I pressed the key to activate my new Pod I git a PDM Failure Error! The screen wouldn't do anything but it said to call customer service and it had the phone number right on the screen. After being on hold some minutes, customer service told me how to Reset the PDM - turns out there is a reset button under the battery cover that you press with a paper clip - I then had to remove the Pod and replace it with a new one. I don't remember her name at cust service but she was most helpful as I was in a state of confusion thinking about doing MDI again. New Pod is back on and all is well!
Glad to hear you sorted it out! This has happened twice to me before, and can be rather nerve-wracking. They do have pretty good customer support when you need it though. You’re lucky you didn’t need a new PDM like I did once - the few days of MDI were a bit stressful while I waited.
I occasionally get a "stuck key" error. I bang it a few times (lightly) and it clears. I was saddened to see the new PDM with the smaller pods to be physically identical. I do hate the buttons on the PDM...
I'm happy you got it going again. Strangely, after a year and a few months, my PDM failed me last week. I got a message to replace the batteries, and when I did, bang - error. The pod deactivated, I had to reset the date and time, then I had to change to another pod. Fortunately, it kept all my ratios and other programming.
I called support, which was very helpful, and they suggested if it happened again, to call and it would be replaced. They replaced the pod.
Lesson learned for me? Replace batteries just before doing a pod change - that way, if something like this happens again, I won't waste another pod. Another lesson, make sure all my ratios and numbers are saved somewhere - just in case..
Like RobAW, I tend to learn the hard way. :) If you have a PDM failure and have to reset the date and time, make sure you get the am/pm setting right...
otherwise, you will wonder why in the heck you are dropping like a rock when your basal settings have been working perfectly... that's what happens when it gives you am basals in the pm. Lesson learned!
One PDM failure in 13 months of podding here but I also occasionally get the "stuck key" error.
Funny story: my 12 year old's PDM failed when we were on a ski vacation and in a rental condo, at 2am... Looked all over for a paper clip or something that would work, there was nothing. Called the office (about half a mile away) and said to the very sleepy young man: "This is going to sound very strange, but I need a paper clip - RIGHT NOW!" I can't imagine what he was thinking... but he did deliver it within 10 minutes, so I must of sounded pretty desperate! :-)
That is a funny one, and how come it seems to happen when we're away from home? Good thinking on your part, though.
So I always bring the emergency insulin and needles along when travelling just in case, but holy cow, we sure rely on these devices. When I had a rash of pod failures 1,000 kms from home a while back (some my own doing, lol), my first instinct was to panic, then followed by "ok, you've done MDI for 30 years, get over it and go manual". If nothing else, it reminded me how much easier it is with a pump.
You know, the paper clip I used is now a part of my Omnipod test kit!
I'm thinking a paper clip is going to be a part of my son's kit too!
I store my PDM settings in a Google doc so I can easily access the info if I ever need to reset my PDM.
That's a great idea! I am going to put mine in my Drop Box. I'll be putting a paper clip in in my bag too.
I don't consider the a PDM "failure". A "failure" is when the PDM can't be reset & Insulet has to send you a new one. That's really freak out time & why I always have a few insulin pens in my fridge to hold me over for a couple days.
The true "PDM FAILURE" is the fact that Insulet has them on hand and wont give them to any existing customers :) Sure they are glad to SELL them to new ones...but magically they dont have any once they find out Im an existing customer.....
Agswin04 - a 30 second google search shows it for sale here:
Stop complaining and buy it :) or wait like the rest of us...
Shouldn't have to buy it when insulet is sitting on them....
I understand your frustration. I missed the free Dexcom upgrade by one day. I had only had my system for a couple of months and had to pay $400 for the newer version. At least Omnipod is going to do it for free and not only if you bought it one month before the upgrade like Dexcom.
Well thats another rumor out there...that if you are out of warranty they will charge...and my warranty is up in a couple of weeks.
That one hasn't been confirmed yet..working on it