Please participate: Survey on diabetes information seeking behaviors ($5 Target gift card)

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota. For my study, I am writing on a paper on online community

users’ diabetes information seeking behaviors. Your opinions are very

important to the final results of my study.

For this study, I am conducting an online survey. The survey is intended for people:
1) have been diagnosed with diabetes or have family member with diabetes
currently living with.

2) have experience to use online communities to look for

diabetes-related information for him/herself or family member(s) with

diabetes within the past 12 months.

The questionnaire will take about 10-20 minutes to complete. If you need

to stop in the middle of the survey your information will be saved, and

you can return to complete the survey within two days. But please make

sure you have to use the SAME computer. After you complete survey, I

will send a $5 Target gift card as a way of saying thanks for your help.

Please click on the following link to participate.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the researcher, Junga Kim at Thank you very much for helping with this important study.

This research has been approved by TuDiabetes Administration.

Please use caution whenever sharing personal contact information.

It doesn’t matter. You can participate in the survey. Thanks for your interest.

I did the survey, but I have a question. Where else do you seek participants? I would think if you sought them solely on tudiabetes or on places like it, the sample would be slanted in favor of online learning.

I’d like to look at online community users’ health information seeking behaviors, so I am not worried about the sampling method so much. Thanks for your comments though.