Hi TuDiabetes community. I’m a journalist with Type 1 diabetes (going on 35 years) and I cover food/tech and sometimes diabetes related topics.
I’m helping out my endocrinologist Dr. Aaron Neinstein, who is at UCSF and is amazing. He is trying to determine what issues may be coming with all this USPS conversation. What you share here I will be sharing with him. He may write an op-ed on the topic, and might want to connect with you, so LMK if that is okay.
Pls share your experiences & thoughts on the USPS situation.
How could USPS slowdown impact you?
What are specific impacts you might experience as someone with diabetes?
I worry about it a lot because insurance companies don’t allow us to stockpile our infusion sets and insulin etc.
That means we are beholden to the post office to get our supplies for the most part.
I can still get my insulin at the pharmacy but it is usually shipped to me.
My insulin pump supplies comes via mail only.
However I received my insulin via Fed x for the first time this past week.
I wonder if they got tired of the problems with the USPS.
Still they are the ones who set up the system and the mail boxes and all. I don’t think we can do without them.
This is not the first time when politics has impacted the lives of diabetics, and anyone with a chronic illness.
Some people live paycheck to paycheck. We live from shipment to shipment and the stress of missing it is high, and the reality can be catastrophic.
I’m definitely keeping an eye on the situation - I’ve had a couple non-diabetes related packages delayed so far and keeping my fingers crossed that the situation settles before I need my next dexcom transmitter (I don’t have any backup transmitters but am ok with sensors).
I have not considered USPS to be reliable for many years and do not count on them for anything time sensitive.
The current controversy over the USPS is a typical election year distraction. Just yesterday I saw a headline referring to this as a “crisis”. Give me a break. They lose billions of dollars a year, is nobody allowed to try to modernize the postal service? Before the politicians got hold of this as a “crisis” we all referred to it as Snail Mail. Now we are saying our democracy depends on snail mail getting $25 billion?
We all should learn to ignore such distractions and un-elect the politicians who keep inventing new crises to try to get more donations. Maybe that will force the WA DC crowd to accomplish something meaningful for a change.
I am on Medicare and my Durable Medical Equipment supplier uses USPS to deliver my pump supplies every 90 days and my CGM supplies every 30 days. So far I have not had problems but am a bit worried about my early September shipment.
It’s not going to effect me at all. My insulin is delivered by 2 day Fedex. I would only worry about that because of temperature issues. I’ve had insulin with cold packs shipped in the past by priority mail and it always takes 5 days to get to me and it’s been fine. I think the overhaul is badly needed and past due, I don’t think a few days of anything else arriving later will bother or affect me at all.
What?!?!?! I hadn’t thought of this. OMG, thanks for the warning. Don’t crash a car - the DMV wont be able to contact you with further instructions to avoid drivers license suspensions due to diabetes.
Most places don’t deliver medical device supplies to my house, so I get everything through my post office box at the local PO. I consider it the only reliable form of mail delivery. There’s always some new catch. (mohe using expletives -f_cckkkking d*!!**!! it all to He!! !!!)
The only impact on my care will be with the denial letters my insurer sends. My meds are delivered by a local 90 day pharmacy and my dme comes via a regional package carrier. Negligible impact.
I live in a rural area and only drive to the post office once a month or so to check my p.o. box. It’s it much only junk mail in there anyway. Occasionally foreign parcels, like eBay purchases, get handed off to the USPS. I honestly wouldn’t miss the post office for anything other than the community bulletin board that’s in there.
Most everything comes to us via UPS, rarely FedEx.
I live in the city and don’t have a car. I have considered getting one. I did a lot of online shopping even before the pandemic.
I’ve been ordering more packages online since the pandemic started- like everyone else. Many, if not most, of those are delivered by USPS (everything from Amazon at least). I have not done enough research to know if package delivery to my residence would be directly affected by the proposed changes to the USPS. If it is, then that would mean that I would need to do more shopping in person which would increase my risk of contracting COVID-19 (public transport and time in the store). I assume others have also been utilizing online shopping more and would similarly have to adjust to in-person shopping, potentially increasing the number of people in stores substantially.
I do not think UPS or FedEx are currently capable of handling the number of packages that USPS handles. I would prefer that whatever changes that occur be left until after the pandemic is over. I find it quite frustrating that this even needs to be addressed right now when there are so many more important things that are being handled so poorly and are more deserving of the government’s time.
I gotta disagree with this. Before his extended covid-cation, my husband was flying charter cargo services out of Detroit. His company also flies routes for FedEx, UPS, and DHL. They’re trying to get him to come back so they can sign contract on other major carrier routes. We live in Colorado, though, not yet ready to brave the airlines.
The shipping companies don’t have to handle everything themselves, as they parcel out the work to other companies…land, sea, and air… If USPS is stepping out, then equipment will be sold, leased, or otherwise contracted to companies that will still see the deliveries, through.
I really don’t anticipate an issue. If anything, it will force the green revolution in paper waste. No more junk mail, no more paper bills when you can easily access your accounts online, etc…
Of course companies will eventually fill the void. I didn’t suggest otherwise.
But it won’t happen overnight and can easily wait until the pandemic is over.
Yes, and you stated your perspective in your post above.
We live in entirely different parts of the country and will likely have very different issues or lack thereof if this occurs. I posted my opinion of how this would affect me, as was requested. I have no interest in having a discussion of opinions about this here.
I also live in a rural area and go to the po box once a month to pick up the odd bill that still comes by mail. Other than that the company gets customer returns on a daily basis that are delivered by USPS truck which can just as well come in using other services. We are one of the few stops on the USPS route where the driver can enter the facility and use the bathrooms, and she does on a daily basis. Boy is she cute so besides possibly a minor effect on my mental health, even if the USPS totally disbands, I will not be affected. My diabetic supplies all currently come by FedEx.