Pods and last 12 hours of apidra blood sugar rising

I had been warned this would happen, third day of apidra noting corrections not quite bring bs down... We are cash pay for pods, and we'd optimally like to do what our endo said which is change the things out every two days... BUT>>> a friend notes they have done every two and a half days... its really just a problem those last 12 hours or so...

has anyone been so bold as to do a separate basal program for last 12 hours of pod?? like a 10% increase from usual?? that seems better than changing a correction factor or something... because we could just switch to that program the last 12 hours and not have to deal with changing correction factor back and forth...

We have dealt with post pod highs with apidra too same as humalog, but it's not NEARLY as drawn out with apidra, we see where it's going to go by about four hours, and then it's back to normal after that... 1.5 units and a bump to 180 with correction 4 hours later is about it...

all thoughts and feedback appreciated as usual!!

thanks tudiabetes for such great feedback and emotional support, It is really priceless to me and my family!!

Interesting - I've only ever used Apidra and I almost always go the full 80 hours each pod. The only times I seem to get high are when I'm at the end of a vial and the end of a pod.

You can set a temp basal for up to 12hrs at a time.