Apidra and the pod

So I started using the pod system on May 26th. I had been using Apidra as my bolus so the endo and CDE both recommended I continue to use it in the pod. The pod trainer did not have any experience with other patients using Apidra in the pod, but she also agreed that I should stick with what I was used to. The first few days my blood sugars were a bit high and I had to change a lot of the original settings because they were not right for me. When I changed the pod out a week ago Wednesday, I put it on my arm. Friday was a brutally hot day and I skipped out of work to play golf in my sleeveless shirt. I got a burn all around the pod and I am sure the insulin was heated well beyond the 98.6 degree body heat. Saturday afternoon was pod change day so I decided to go for a swim and use the steam room and sauna at the club. My blood sugars had been pretty steady so I figured 5 minutes in the steam room wouldn't make that big a difference. WOW what a mistake ! My blood sugars started to soar from 137 after my swim to 353 in a matter of an hour. I kept hitting the bolus button but the insulin was cooked. I got home from the grocery store and immediately changed the pod. I took a shot of apidra because I couldn't override the pods safety mechanism. Eventually after several hours my blood sugars returned to normal but this whole episode scared the crap out of me.
I went on Sanofi website yesterday to read up on the dosing and storage of Apidra and this is what they said:
Infusion Sets:
Infusion sets (reservoirs, tubing, and catheters) and the APIDRA in the reservoirs should be discarded after 48 hours of use or after exposure to temperatures that exceed 98.6 degrees F (37 C).

I am now using Novolog in the pod because I don't want to change the pod every 2 days. But I do wish both my endo and my CDE had read the dosing and storage conditions before allowing me to use Apidra in the pod. I emailed both of them with this information so on the off chance they have another patient they can better advise.

I have used Apidra in the pod for the last 5 years. Never had a problem with it.

Here is a blog post on the subject by tudiabetes admin Lorraine:


Heat and pod/insulin are a big no-no. That was one of the things I had to weigh in on when I when to pump use from MDI. With MDI I could hot tub it or sauna. With one you can't. With any pump you've got to watch heat. Unless you time the pod change to give you an hour of podless time to do such activities. (Insulet states you can be without a pod up to 1 hour if done carefully.)

I've had no problems using Apidra in the pod. Apidra supposedly is more heat tolerant than humalog

I've been using Apidra in my POD ever since day one with no problems what so ever. Was out on a bicycle ride yesterday whit a high temp of 100.4....The POD & Apidra was fine.

I'm very glad it is working for you Mike. It pretty much points to the YDMV (your diabetes may vary) which applies to just about everything. Many people find apidra is great in their pumps and others find it is not. There is a link to a blog post above where Caleb has to change his pod every 48 hours if he uses apidra. In my case it did not survive the 5 hours on the sunny golf course and the 10 minutes in the steam room and sauna but in yours it survived the bike ride.
I'm perfectly ok with using novolog and haven't missed apidra at all so I am counting myself lucky that the transition has been easy.

I live in South Florida. I just used Apidra in my pod for the first time. Here's hoping it is indeed heat tolerant! I am used to being able to go the max 3+ days before a change.

Good Luck Elaine, as I said it did not work for me but every one is different so it may be perfectly ok.

Thanks, Clare. I have been using Humolog but my Endo wrote me a scrip for Apidra as it is free...way less than what I had been paying. Worth a try, I think, but we'll see. I appreciate your insights as they let me know what to look out for. I'd hate to have to use so many more pods and deal with that many more changes.

Yes I was on the apidra band wagon when on MDI because it was really good and it worked quickly and was done and gone in a little over 2 1/2 hours. I now have 2 vials and 3 boxes of pens in my fridge so if it works for you, please let me know I'll be happy to ship you my freebies. My endo gave me 2 vials of novolog and so far it has been fine so I'll stick with it. But good luck I hope it works.

When I did use Apidra, I had to change pods every 2 days. Lots of people don't have any issues, but mine just seemed to go bad quickly. Even in the vial, it's turned cloudy before the 28 days was up. Maybe it's the area you're in?? Just a guess.