I have noticed that hours after running my BG continues to drop below 60. I eat, drink gatorade, etc. But does anyone else have long term (hours after) drops in BG? I’m thinking I’m thinking I need to change my basal rates, but only post running? Does anyone else have an issue like this? Thanks.
Yes, sometimes 4 hours after, sometimes 6. From what I've read , it can be up to 24 hours
I have experienced similar issues and I use a temp basal after exercise (time and amount depend on duration and intensity of exercise). Suggest trying to look at the whole picture...timing and amounts of...carbs/insulin before, duration and level of intensity/insulin/carbs during, carbs/insulin after.
I've often heard this referred to as the "lag effect". I personally haven't had issues with it, but I know several people who do.
I'm having a hard time with this too. Did you figure anything out? I'm noticing lows 12-16 hours after a run. Considering setting a temp basal rate.
Yes, running specifically has that affect on me. I go back and forth from shots to the pump, right now I have to decrease my night Levemir on days I run, no matter what time I run. Even if I have a small snack before bed. Sometimes it's 12 hours later and I still drop. On the pump I defiantly would have post-run basal rates to try to help.