I am irritated with this pump. Have been on it about a year and having issues.
Sometimes I have cereal or other higher carb meals. I prebolus and set a timer (15mins) and then eat. Problem is I end up going high ~250. However, if I prebolus longer than 15mins my BG starts to dip and CIQ turns down my basal.
Yes, the carb count is correct. Yes, my ICR is correct. I’m wondering if anyone else has this issue? Prior to CIQ I would pre-bolus 20mins and wait for my BG just to start dropping and eat. It worked perfectly.
I can’t seem to figure this system out. I am either having crazy lows or shooting high. It’s like I need a different ISF for lows - it’s turned off way too long and then I skyrocket or it’s not aggressive enough.
I should mention I am in sleep mode 24/7 and it works better than CIQ for me otherwise I am ping ponging between 80 and 180 all day long.
Welcome! Except when I am on vacation, I don’t use CIQ when I bolus for meals. This is especially helpful at breakfast when I’m dealing with a morning surge. I’ll bolus and then if my readings are going high will wait until they start to come back to maybe 130 before I start eating any carbs. I will shift back to CIQ in sleep mode when I exercise or if I’m starting to go low. After dinner, I’ll shift to CIQ after a couple of hours and continue throughout the night.
I find this intermittent use works better for me - especially when I’m following my regular routine.
I’m trying to find info about how the pump is actually delivering bolus’ when CIQ is turned on. There has to be something to this because of what you’re saying.
Any other hacks you use to make this system work better?
I use a slightly more aggressive profile sometimes when I feel that CIQ is slow on dealing with a modest high. The higher basal setting means that more insulin will be delivered without increasing insulin on board.
Others have had great success just fine tuning sleep mode. Maybe someone will chime in.
I, too, am on Sleep Mode 24/7 and was having the same problem when bolusing. I was told by a Tandem CDE to do an extended prebolus, heavy on the front side, and set the remainder about 20 minutes later. Works well for me when I remember to do it.
Welcome to the forum! My PA recommended that I use a protein drink in the morning to “blunt” sharp carb rises from high carb breakfasts like cereal. I preboils as usual (if I don’t forget). I think it slows down the carb absorption in your stomach.
There a lot to choose from. I use the Premier Protein shakes, Café Latte favor because it tastes good (and it has caffeine)!
There are lots of little tricks discussed here in the forum, so don’t be afraid to ask.
I had same issues and worked with my endo to change my correction factor for that profile segment. I use sleep mode 24/7, too. I made correction factor slightly more aggressive (1 unit:xx and I decreased the number represented by xx). Now I can still bolus, eat in 15 mins, and when my BG starts to go up, the correction factor makes my pump do the work to bring it down quickly.
I use BIQ - and will for as long as I can. Dealing with higher-than-I-desire bg’s is up to me, and I am more aggressive than the algorithm. WHen the time comes that I have to switch to CIQ and the G7, I will be on manual during the day, and CIQ Sleep Mode. overnight. BIQ gives me access to the temp basal function, and allows me to set my own bg target (80, rather than the CIQ target of 110). Maybe running on manual during the day would help you. I also have fine-tuned my settings to the point that I have 9 different “time zones”, each with its own basal rate, ISF for corrections, and carb:insulin ratio for meal boluses. Maybe it’s my personality, but I prefer to be the one in charge, making decisions.
I use sleep mode 24/7 too and because I eat a plant-based (high fiber) diet, I do a split bolus for all my meals and it almost always works beautifully (except when eating in restaurants!). If your cereal is high fiber, I suggest you split your bolus 50/50 with last 50% over 15 - 20 minutes. See if that helps. Good luck