Hello, I’m new here! My name is Veronica, and I’m from Montreal. I’m 23 years old, and a university student
Last month I went to my GP because a cousin of mine came to visit me, and she was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and was really into testing everybody’s blood sugar when she had to check hers. My two hours after lunch number was 13.3 mmol/L and my aunt felt that was too high and said that I should bring it up with my GP. Having a long family history of diabetes (my dad and grandpa have type 2, and my maternal grandmother, my mom’s sister and her four children all have type 1), I decided this was a good idea. I hadn’t had any symptoms, but better to get it checked out and have it be nothing, than to do nothing and have it be something. I made an appointment with my GP for later that week. My dad (a type 2 - I still live with my parents while in university) decided to take a few more numbers with his meter on the Sunday prior to my appointment. My fasting number was 7.2, my 2 hours after breakfast was 15.9, before lunch it was 7.7, and two hours after it was 13.1, before dinner it was 6.8 and two hours after it was 9.9. Before bed it had come down to 9.1.
I told my GP this, and she sent me for blood work. My fasting blood sugar according to the lab was 6.8 mmol/L (which they flagged as too high) and my hemoglobin A1C was 6.3%. My GP said that my A1C was totally fine but that my fasting blood sugar was a bit too high, was pre-diabetes, and that I should try and lose 5lbs to correct this (I’m 5’6 and weigh 160lbs). I can’t even figure out how to lose 5lbs. I already take 25 000 steps a day and swim an hour every day. She said she didn’t want to prescribe any medications or do any further testing (I asked if she should check me from type 1 antibodies and she said no, if I had type 1 it would have come on very severely), and that I absolutely should not test my blood sugar at home anymore because that could backfire. She also said she didn’t want to diagnose me with diabetes because that label would follow me forever and I wouldn’t be able to get health insurance.
Is that really the standard way of treating pre-diabetes? Telling the patient that they have it, to lose 5lbs, and seeing them on their way??? My dad felt that wasn’t right, and he has been testing me twice a day on the weekends, a fasting and a 2 hours after breakfast readings. In the three weeks since, the lowest fasting blood sugar I’ve had was 5.5 (only one time, all of the others have been in the 6-7 range) and my two hours after breakfast have all been in the 12-17 range, with one reading of 22.8. I just feel totally helpless and like the doctor totally brushed me off. And like I am WAY too young to be at risk of type 2 diabetes…
Any input would be most appreciated. Thank you