I was tested by a clinic a year ago. 134 FBGL. Doc tried to prescribe metformin. I balked and studied up, lost 10 lbs and tested again. 126 FBGL
-one organization says 130 FBGL makes you diabetic, another says 126 FBGL. and finally bloggers more realistically state that there is no ‘magic’ number or you don’t really need a ‘diagnosis’ to be concerned over ur BGL. oky dokey!
-so i toddled along in blissful ignorance, testing myself periodically with meters that in and of themselves have a certain % of tolerance. To my credit I bought the meter that tested best, Contour and its upgrade, Contour Next. What i did find with several different meters over 12 months that the meters in and of themselves were reliable, compared to each other. I have not compared them to a blood screen from a clinic. That is to say i have not tested at clinic and then compared that to a meter test. Simply because i have not had a clinic test since then.
-So I range , depending on factors i cannot really adduce, from a FBGL of 117 to 130. sometime I exercise heavily but these last 7 days i didn’t exercise at all. My FBGL these last 7 days, with an average daily carb intake of between 60 and 100 NET CARBS/day, has been closer to 130 than 117. This has been the case for the last few months as i have been too busy to exercise regularly. I don’t know if my BGL has morphed. For the previous 10 months i usually got alot closer and more often to 117 than 130 with very regular exercise and fairly high amount of drinking.
2 things that are different. Over the past 2 months i exercise alot less( which was 1 hr on elliptic at a pretty high MHR. see EXCARBS* below.) When i exercise i am hungry and no amount of meat and cheese and nuts is gonna fill me up. Meaning i will do 150 to 200 NET carbs a day.
- i used EXCARBS.com to figure exercise carbs burned. Then i read that body will only burn 50/carbs an hour at most. So every time i do ellipitic for an hour I simply deduct 50 carbs from gross daily carb intake.
the 2nd thing that is different is that I drink alot less alcohol. Iam a binge drinker, meaning I usually don’t drink during the week but on the weekend i usually get a 6-8 cocktails in me. Distilled alcohol has no carbs so a rum and diet coke or 8 has no carbs. I do not know what,if anything, not drinking does to BGL.
I like some many am trying to avoid any medication at all. As i get closer to thinking that may be necessary(see increased BGL story above) I am scrutinizing the situation more thoroughly.
for instance just this week a study was produced by Internists saying that BGL can be higher that ADA recommendations. I love the sound of it.
The point being here is that i can’t simply throw up my hands in confusion and surrender. I have to make some choices and decisions. I also understand that I am likely to be wrong. I don’t say that to be self deprecating. I really am making decisions on scant or uncertain empirical facts and uncertain verities amongst the pros.
I just now, this week , started to take post meal readings, having understood that readings above 180 can cause physical damage. And by that i mean I have read or ascertained by bloggers that physical damage doesn’t much occur until BGL reaches 180 , and even then i don’t know how long it must remain above 180.
My current mission is to
- debunk any of my own fool notions
- get a consistent frame of reference when we speak of BGL.
by 2.) I mean i haven’t much paid attention to BGL ‘norms’. I was close enough to be comfortable. Now that i am ranging into a higher average BGL I want to monitor more closely. Here is the issue. Folks, pros and bloggers alike , I think, blend non-diabetic numbers with diabetic numbers either off meds or on meds, to great confusion.
For instance someone will say that are regularity at a FBGL of 60. My first thought is why are they bloggin at a Diabetic Forum. Without inferring some facts otherwise not presented, i cannot understand if they got to 60 FBGL with insulin, without, with metformin, without or any all the meds available. Blithely stating your BGL without the caveat of your describing your regime is confusing to me.
When i read guidelines or ranges I note there are non-diabetic norms and diabetic norms. I have strived to hit diabetic norms thru diet and exercise but NOT non-diabetic norms. My thinking maybe very stupid here. Being that i can live with the label as long is I am in the an acceptable range. Which again is to say as long as my FBGL is close to 126. As I said ignorance was bliss on this front. But now i read about folks meeting non-diabetic numbers(FBGL of 60-80) and I am thinking I have gotten it quite wrong and that i ought to aiming for non-diabetic numbers. Of course that certainly means medication as its hard to get carbs below 50 or even if you did it wouldn’t take BGL down to non-diabetic levels