It seems that everybody loves their omnipod. I had never heard of it until March 11, 2009 yesterday. I just came across this website today. From what I have found there are many people who are on the Omnipod that have never pumped before. So of course they only have good things to say. It also seems like the owners of Omnipod do a great job of protecting their name. So it is hard for me to find negative things posted about the omnipod. I have had a Deltec Cozmo for over five years and am in the market looking for my next avenue. I can give you all kinds of pro’s and con’s for my Deltec Cozmo. Here are my questions about the Omnipod.
Have you ever owned a different pump other then the omnipod?
If so can you compare the advantages and disadvantages of both the pump(ex. deltec cozmo, paradigm etc…) and omnipod.
The tubing never has bothered me much. Other then using the bathroom when I pull down my pants and at night when it sometimes wraps around me and bothers me seldomly. So what is the real pro of going tubless with the omnipod?
4.I wear my pump site on my stomach and switch sites all the way to around my back. That is where I would wear my omnipod if I got one. However, I am extremely athletic playing sports everyday like basketball and raquetball etc… The omnipod seems like it would possibly hinder my performance because it is large. Is this a myth that I am creating or could it be a problem? My pump site on my stomach is like two quarters stacked (very small compared to the omnipod.)
- Finally I use about 100 units or more a day. Can you put more units then 200 in the omnipod at one time? If not can you refill the pod while it is on your body? What are the Pros and Cons of the omnipod? Please be honest and tell me your opinion.
Thanks for reading and Posting. Todd