Pump and Airport Security

Trusted Traveller Program. Please elaborate artwoman. The more details the better. Thank you in advance.

Global Entry Program. Please elaborate Kimberly. The more details the better. Thank you in advance.

Can anybody who had a pump failure going through airport security, body scanner or x-ray please post it on this thread. Please let us know your pump brand. Also the date of the incident so we can have an idea of pump age and vulnerability. With advances in technology and the manufacturer's awareness of this problem, I hope the newer pumps will be resistant to this kind of trouble. The Tslim is the newest pump, I wonder if it's scanner, x-ray resistant.

Hey Tony,

The Global Entry program for US citizens is great. Here’s the link:


This is actually one of the “trusted traveller” programs offered by US Customs & Border Control. You pay a fee with your application, they do a background check, schedule you for a face-to-face interview, and then issue you a Global Entry card. I’m pretty sure that a number of other countries have something similar, but I’m not sure outside of Canada & Australia, and I’m not even sure that they have pre-check for their programs.

Once you get that, if you update your frequent flyer program with that assigned number, they will automatically flag your boarding pass with “Pre-check” - they say that it won’t happen automatically every time, but I’ve had mine for a couple of years, and always have had pre-check.

The Global Entry program is pretty cool too for returning from international travel - instead of waiting in what can be a very long line for customs, you can go straight to a kiosk, scan your passport, and quickly move through Customs.

With pre-check, I wear my pump through the walk-through machines - I think Medtronic told me that those machines are safer than the carry-on baggage x-ray machines. I just wear mine through, point out that I’m wearing the pump, and TSA agents will generally want to swab my hands before they let me go. Pretty simple, and works well.

Thanks for the detailed info trauts. I hope Canada has something similar.

Look at the Nexus program. I don’t know if it’s exactly the same, but there are some shared elements with the US programs.

Hi Spock. I ususally remove my pump just before going through security at airports. I place it in my computer bag which then goes through the xray. Once cleared I put the pump back on, and like you, after multiple xrays, I've had no issues at all.

I have a MiniMed pump and I travel very frequently. I never disconnect abd always walk through whatever system I need to with my pump and I have NEVER had a problem. I have been doing this for the past 10 years. When going through the full body scanners, you are required to show the TSA agent your pump. Then you put it back in the pocket and get scanned. Then I must take my pump out and rub it and they swipe my hands with a cloth to test for explosives. Never once had a problem

I just don't want to risk a problem (with the4 pump - not the TSA). And I know that if your pump company learns that it I=has been exposed to the imaging tech, the warranty is nullified.

I just flew from LAX and I pronted my boarding passes @ home with special TSA by-pass. I told them I had a pump and they let me go through a special walkway w/o sreening. They tell you to such the pump; wipe your both hands down; wait and you’re on your way! You can keep yiur wallet, etc. in your pockets

That is awesome news!

Each time I call Medtronic to ask about which machines are ok, I get confused. There are several new airport machines. Some with Xrays, I understand we should not walk through or send our backup pump through. I carry my loaner pump in a clear zip lock bag and show them my Medtronic pump wearer i.d. The other machine, they tell me there, the TSA folks, that those machines are ok as long as they are not those invasive ones that got replaced.

Twice at a medical radiology facility, the technicians both swore that the dexascan machine for bone disnity and the CT scan machine for my heart would not affect the pump. Later the Medtronic rep told me otherwise, but I checked my pump with the help line and all was working well.

I "just say no" The tech is changing, I never know which airport has which tech and I don't want to have to replace something. And I understand that if you let it be known that your device was exposed to imaging tech, the warranty is out the window. The only real hassles I've had are waiting for a female TSA agent and having to put my foot down when requesting the pat down. I have had some infusion sets pulled out, but that's just an inconvenience. I now travel with extra sets just for the number of airports I'll pass through (in addition to the usual extras that are common sense)

You should report the pull outs, as infusion sets are expensive. Review the TSA rules. That is forbidden.

They are just so poorly trained.

I will - next time. The last time, I was worried I wouldn't make my flight, cuz it took so long to get a female for the pat down. It's getting to the point where I'll drive if I can.

I think the last time it happened was an accident. But they do need to be more careful.

I have an Omnipod, and have flow a lottt with it an alwaysgone through the x-ray. I've had no problems! The people are usually really nice about it too, and the censor never goes off.

I just went on my first flight since going on a pump. I had every intention of requesting the pat down and refusing to go through the body scanner thingy (not xray and not a metal detector) but when I got there the line was so long and I already had so many things I had to declare (ie vial of insulin) that I just went through. So far I haven't noticed any issues with my pump which is lucky. My only complaint is that at the first airport I had to go through the scanner, do the pat down (she kind of grabbed my cgm sensor), and get checked for explosives and at the second airport they told me that if I went through the scanner I could skip the pat down. The first airport, in their attempt to be thorough, actually made me feel uncomfortable, especially when I realized that just going along with what they wanted me to do didn't save any time for me or the others who were behind me in the insanely long line.