Warning: Long post!
I have a request for any computer/tech savy folks here with spare time.
I might have created a useful tool for other insulin dependent people needing to go from pump to MDI. It would be cool to make it digital and writable! Or even a printable template, better than my hand drawn one.
Story is:
I’ve been using a T-slim pump and Dexcom CGM for a long time. Had T1 for 56 years now. Recently I developed a bad medical adhesive allergy, big itchy welts on all the stick-on things. I’ve tried lots of work arounds, anything I could find through research. No go. Tegaderm helps enough to wear a CGM.
Anyway, I decided maybe a “pump vacation” would let my system calm the heck down. Going back to MDI is what this post is about.
Plus, there’s a another simultaneous and ongoing issue about the fragility of the supply chain for for stuff we die without. A cluster bomb of bad sensors from both Dexcom and Libre made me look at the most generic insulins, etc. to help me feel sturdier, in case of a bigger Global Crisis. Paranoid, I guess. Hang in there, we’re getting to the point I promise!
My basal rates on the pump are super tough to duplicate with shots. 8 segments with a ten fold variance.
So, I made up a 24 hour diagram made of circles to try to figure it out. It’s helping me to figure it out so much, I wondered if it might help others in my predicament? I’m using Humalog and NPH by the way. Could sub in Regular for Humalog in a crisis though. Others could use whatever suits them. Here’s the current layout:
The circle is 24 hours (12/12 am/pm format). The segments in the ring outside the hour numbers are my pump basal rates. Between the last two rings is my “in range” zone where I record what I do and what happens to my blood glucose as each day unfolds.
For example, this is today’s graph, H is Humalog, NPH is, well, NPH. The bg #s are from my CGM. I write food or exercise or whatever around the outside in the correct time place.
What do my fellow T1s think? Is it just me who finds this format useful? My husband, not diabetic ,says he can read what’s going on with me well with this.
Thanks for reading and thinking about it. Any thought appreciated!