Questions from a New Member :)

Hi everyone! I'm new here--posted a question on the LADA board a few weeks ago. A quick background...I'm a 40 year old female. 5'5 and 100lbs. Lost 10 lbs. a year and half ago and have not been able to gain it back despite eating 2200 cal/day. Normal to low BP and cholesterol. Family Hx of Type 2 and autoimmune disease on my mom's side, plus possible celiac for myself. My son has vitiligo (autoimmune).

I've been using a meter off and on the last year and a half (triggered by a fasting reading of 130 I received while participating in a study) and 6 weeks ago started using it every day, checking fasting and post meal numbers. My fastings are now between 100-116. My post meal numbers are higher than 2 yrs ago, but not terrible. I had read on the ADA Message Boards to test until you find out your "peak" and my peak is consistently 30 min. At 30 min. I'm anywhere from 120-180 (lower if I eat low carb--spike with carbs). I had one reading of 220 at 1 hour and 141 at 2 hrs (I think anxiety may have played into those).

I recently read that one shouldn't test at 30 min. b/c everyone is higher at that time and 1 hour and 2 hour readings are what really matters. I wanted to see if you all agree with that. So should I completely disregard my 30 min. numbers? Even if I'm regularly getting up to 160s at that time? I thought a non-D would never go that high--no matter how long after a meal. Is the issue not how high you go, but how long you stay at that number?

My one hour numbers look much better--more like 100-140 (under 120 most of the time--esp. if I don't eat carbs (which I don't eat much of).

My primary Dr. said with my fasting numbers and normal A1C (5.2), I"m probably "just" in the very early stages of pre-D.

I'm not sure what to make of the fact that I have higher fasting numbers but fairly normal post meal numbers (if I only look at 1 and 2 hr numbers). And I want to know what you all think about my "peak" numbers and if I should just disregard them b/c they are at 30 min.

I've also been experiencing blurry vision for the past 2 yrs. and tinnitus and mild hearing loss. In Jan. my eye Dr. said my vision had gotten worse in one eye and better in the other eye and I got a new prescription, but I'm still having blurry vision (driving me crazy!).

Sorry this is so long! I appreciate any feedback! :)
(P.S. I have an appt. with an Endo in April and I'm going to ask her to check for antibodies and maybe do an OGTT.)

A non-D does not go higher, not at 30 min., not at 60 min. NOT.
However, to have a doctor view your numbers and think clinically, you will need to take fasting, and at one and two hours post prandially. And if you really want him/her to believe them, do fasting, eat some carbs and test one and two hours later. Give him the number of grams you ate and of what. Cereal will make them peak. Take 15 grams OJ, having tested before and at one and two hours and give those to him.
Are you having blurry vision when your BG is high? In other words, what is your BG when your vision is blurry?
I think your primary Dr is right on. Unfortunately, the very fact that your BGs return so close to normal within the 2 hour time, mitigates against any doctors giving treatment unless they prescribe one of the Type 2 oral pills.

Few need an OGTT. The A1c is used.

Thanks for your reply, Leo2! I'm considering doing my own glucose challenge. Maybe I'll do that before my endo appt. I've checked my BG when I'm having blurry vision and sometimes it's between 140-160 at that time, but it's been below 120 at those times, too. I read that fluctuating numbers can cause blurry vision. I used to drop low at 2 hrs (below 70), but the last few weeks, I rarely go below upper 80s.

I'm not expecting any treatment right now with my current numbers and A1C. I am just trying to determine if I have anything to be concerned about in the first place. :) Thanks again!

May I ask where this info comes from (the "non-D does not go higher" bit)? Are you suggesting that a non-D individual never has a BG higher than that person's fasting level?

Hi Ren, I was asking if it was correct that a non-D wouldn't typically go up to 180 after meals and more likely not higher than 120-140? I read in a few places that most non-diabetics usually stay in the range of 70-120. I was just wondering if it was normal to go up to 180 sometimes, even if it was at 30 min post-meal. I recently read that it doesn't matter what your 30 min. number is--you should only go by your 1 hr number. I'm just wondering if I should not worry b/c my highest numbers are at 30 min., not 1 hr. Sorry to not be clear! Thanks! :)

Sorry kittywitty, I was asking Leo2 about his comment ... sorry to be confusing.

I had blurred vision when I was diagnosed with T1 diabetes. My blood glucose (BG) numbers, however, were in the 400+ mg/dl range. I've never had blurry vision from BG's in the 140-160 range. I am just one person and do not have the actual medical knowledge about blurred vision and hyperglycemia. I suspect that your elevated BG's and your blurry vision are unrelated. You should ask an endocrinologist.

Firstly an A1C of 5.2 will make many members here jealous, including me, congrats. That equals an average BG of about 103, I believe. My endo told me last month that people are considered pre-diabetic (T2) when thier A1c reaches 5.7.

I am not sure what type of diabetic you are or if you know by your story. You mention LADA and then mention family history of T2. Do you have a diagnosis that has been verified and you think is correct?

Meals will impact your BG at different times depending on the amount of carbs you eat, the glycemic index of the food and the amount of fat/protein you eat (slows down absorption). The thought of a 2 hour test is that all you meal will have impacted your BG (usually the case) by then so you will not be testing too early. I find the 2 hour PP test benificial, but also like to know what is happening at earlier times and see no problem with testing at those times.

A reading of 220 after a meal is too high. Do not fret too much about 1 or 2 readings. Diabetics in the 70s didn't even test and spent most of their time that high. A few high readings will not do any damage to you. The test seems so off from you A1C that I almost wonder if you contaminated the sample with something on you fingers. If you are getting readings this high than your pancreas is likely having more trouble keeping your BG in range and you should talk to your physician about changing your medications.

Personally I would tell the doctor about your numbers and request he do the glucose challenge. Doctors take results they see themselves a lot more seriously.

Thanks for your input, Zoe. You're right. When I see the endo, I'll ask them to do the challenge. Moderate carbs put me at 140-160. I can't imagine what 75g in liquid form on an empty stomach will do. :P

Thanks for your input, Terry. I asked b/c I read that fluctuating numbers, not just high numbers, and also prediabetic numbers could cause vision changes. Could very well be unrelated, though, as you said. I'll ask the endo when I see her. Thanks! :)

Thanks for your reply, Capin101. My Dr. says I'm "early prediabetic" based on my fasting numbers (100-116) and because my post meal numbers are higher than they were 2 yrs ago. He said since my A1C is still good, that I just need to continue what I'm doing and test periodically to keep an eye on things--esp. b/c I have a family history of T2. (I'm personally curious about LADA b/c I don't fit the "typical" risk factors for T2--although I know there's really no typical in diabetes.)

The 220 reading was after a high carb meal, but I was also experiencing anxiety that day, so that might be why it was so high. I'm always careful about washing and drying my hands before testing. I tested twice and with 2 meters and got the same results, but again, it could have been the anxiety. :) Thanks for your thoughts! :)