Has anyone had experience going through menopause and having BS’s go higher, seemingly in response to hormones?
My BS has always responded to my monthly cycle. I am learning that the week before my period I have to run on a higher basal, and the week of a much lower one. I think a continuous monitor will help in crunching the data on this one, but it seems to me that there is correlation to support this. I wonder if there is any research to support this.
My poor male endo seems baffled by this, but I swear menopause has wreaked havoc with the pattern I had noticed…pretty much the same as yours. The erratic hormonal swings make me less able to anticipate. I am having enough trouble getting this down after only 3 years, now this! It’s like Mr Toad’s Wild Ride!
I take a very low dose of supplemental estrogen. Without it my blood sugar is MUCH higher. I’ve done so ever since right before menopause started, which was around the same time I discovered I was diabetic.
Hey Jenny…that’s 2 of us developing db along with peri-menopause. I wonder if there’s a correlation. Are you Type 1 or 2? I am 1…or 1.5. Your info, both of you is interesting to me…thanks.
Make that 3. I developed hypothyroid at the same time as I started on the pill to control peri-menopausal symptoms. 6 months ago I was diagnosed with diabetes- LADA, Type 1 or 1.5- and I stopped taking estrogen. I haven’t seen any wild BG swings but also don’t know yet if I am through menopause or not. One great side effect of stopping the pill was that I haven’t had a single headache since then. I had been getting them 2-3 times a week, correlated with my cycle and the off-week for the hormones.
So that is 2 of us (so far) diagnosed with LADA while hormones are freaking out, and another with we don’t know what variety and Libby, you were gifted with 2 autoimmunes. Hmmm…
My diagnosis of Type 1/LADA was a couple of years ago at age 44 and I certainly am affected by monthly hormones. But, unlike others, I’m way lower before the period, than anywhere from one day to a week afterwards I go higher. That high period lasts about 10 days. From what I’ve read, I think that high period must be associated with lower estrogen and higher progesterone. As I move towards menopause things will get wackier, for sure.
Diabetes is like a daily science experiment, except that whatever you learn one day gets blown out of the water the next day!
We may have to add hormonal ebbing and flowing into the whole BS quagmire, but look how cute our dogs are!
I am neither Type 1 or Type 2. I appear to have a genetic form of diabetes which gave me elevated post- meal blood sugars since birth. I tested “prediabetic” on a glucose tolerance test in my 20s when I weighed 108 lbs. I am currently awaiting the results of a gene test to confirm one possible diagnosis.
I have almost no insulin resistance, but I also have almost no insulin secretion after meals.
OTOH, my blood sugars seem to have worsened dramatically at age 50. Part of it was pre-menopause. The other causative factor, I’m almost certain, was that I was put on Prednisone for 2 weeks. I have heard from quite a few people who had marginal blood sugars or type 2 well controlled by diet who took Prednisone and report that their control deteriorated and never came back.
So I think that probably played some part in the problem. I was still actively cycling when my blood sugars went completely kaput.
The week before your period is when Progesterone peaks and Estrogen drops.
Progesterone is nasty stuff, blood sugar wise.
Judith…I am sorry that you have had so many challenges. I am impressed, however, with how in tune you are. I am going to try and pay attention to the moon cycles and any effects I notice, but frankly, my BS is so all over the place, I probably wouldn’t notice any subtle changes. I have always awakened in the middle of the night, (I am fairly new…3 years, to T1,) especially after drinking, which I had heard and now better understand, was due to BS dropping.
I am curious about your thoughts on taking hormones. I am not on them, as my symptoms have been slight so far, but from what I read, the thinking now is that a tiny dose, only for a few years, is considered safe. Of course, we know it is a gamble, despite what the latest science says. My reading leads me to feel that the bioidentical ones do not really offer any difference, in terms of risks.
What have you tried for the arthritis? My husband swears that supplements with HA help him. I have had some luck with a Rose Hip formulation…probably on the same priciple as tart cherry. Again, with the ebbing and flowing, or as you say, “stew pot” of hormones, it is hard to access. The changes seem constant.
Are you on the new drug, I believe it starts with an “L,” for Fybromyalgia? Are you aware of any supplements that help the pain and fatigue?
Thanks for your input…again, you are having an tough adventure, but sound like someone who is up to the demands. As conscious as you are, I’d guess you are good at blessings counting, as well. I so miss having cats, too many allergic family members…and am currently dog-less as well…hoping to rectify that soon. Nothing like that unconditional love to perk a woman up.
Oh my, Judith…aren’t you glad that you are interested and knowlegdeable…It is a tad less daunting when you know you can at least try to work with the changes, as opposed to just being a victim of them. I have not needed to try acupuncture or capsacin yet, but think of them as the next step, should I , probably WHEN I, need them. I fully expect emotional and arthritic symptoms to worsen as my hormones settle where they will. Are you finding your BS issues to be effecting your other physical problems, as well? I guess high BS leads to increased inflamation which leads to every evil known to woman.
I share your opinion of big business medicine…of couse, women as guinea pigs and the history of gynecology does not surprise us. On the one hand, we are lucky, I feel, to live in these times of scientific advancement, but there are so much things that were practiced in the past and in other cultures that we could benefit from as well. It’s important to be your own advocate…and so hard.
Again, you seem very well equiped to deal with what you’ve been dealt. It is what it is…don’t sweat the small stuff, and take a nap on the couch with the cats whenever you can…
Hi Jenny,
Can you tell me more about the genetic test you are having for diabetes? I am studying to be a genetic counselor and am interested in doing some reading on the test you had? Thanks.
The testing I am involved in is part of a study being run by researchers the University of Chicago. They are looking for people with the symptoms and family history of MODY who have not been already diagnosed with one of the existing tests provided by Athena Diagnostics.
Athena Diagnostics provides tests for the most common forms of MODY already known, but the problem with their testing is that it is very expensive and all the researchers I’ve spoken to explain that there are more genes that cause this kind of diabetes than just the ones that the current commercially available testing covers.
Since it doesn’t make any difference in the treatment, if you identify the gene I don’t recommend people get the testing unless their insurance covers it. Mine won’t. The treatment is to maintain as normal blood sugars as possible using insulin or, more recently Byetta. Sulf drugs can work, too, but may be too strong for people with milder versions.
The critical things that should make someone consider a MODY diagnosis is lifelong history of impaired glucose tolerance when normal weight, little or no insulin resistance, no GAD or islet antibodies, diabetic blood sugars after eating 30 grams or so of carb, and if female, GD when pregnancy starts at normal weight.
There should be some people in the family with diabetes but it may have been diagnosed as either type 1 or 2, because severe expressions of MODY are often misdiagnosed as Type 1 if they appear in young people. Typically people with MODY will stay at “honeymoon” insulin doses, unlike real Type 1s.
Cool! Thank you so much for all that info.
It seems I passed the peri n went straight in the Post-menopauseal stage n b/s have been off the change when I sweat at night n check my AM b/s. I am low dose estradiol n progestin n have type 1 diabetes over 38yrs n this is just plum craziness with b/s. Is their something else help with the preventing the night sweats to prevent the high AM b/s?